"Someone was looking for you," a drunk, muscular man applying some paint to his fingernails says to Belmarniss as she walks by. "Drow girl."
"It's just embarrassing to worship a drunk dude who stepped on the Starstone."
"Oh, accidentally releasing a plague god into the world, nearly starting a planar war... Like, most gods either they're horrifying or my attitude toward them is 'have you considered doing more things ever' but I feel like it's fairly reasonable for Desna to not be seriously considering doing more things ever."
"Both! More the latter but he really needs to stop having a copy of my fucking diary! I wrote him a stern letter about that."
"If no one in fact ever reads it, that's, like, better than the alternative, but as far as I know there is not any system in place to prevent it, and if there actually is one, it should be better advertised and the people giving the classes holding this up as an example of Abadar's alignment with mortal values should not look confused at me when I cite the mortal value of privacy."
"Huh. I think it's - hard to have privacy from any of the gods. They also know your heart to pick clerics, or whatever."
"I know! I spend a lot of time really annoyed about a lot of things and that's one of 'em!"
"Some of it may be involuntary. This appears in a lengthy chart in Abadar's impolite archive of all mortal media output wherein I examine the pros and cons of becoming a god. If you wanna, like, ask for me, if you ever get somewhat more freeform answers than 'yes here's two of Cure Light Reputational Wounds'..."
"I'd suggest camping out for a look at the stars through the 'scope but I'm all paid up at Onyx."
"I think that's illegal here. But you'd probably know better than I if that applies to us always chaotic evil types."
"I don't actually know," says Fazil, sounding fairly bothered about this. "I think it's fairly likely that if I included it in my summary of the adventure we would get in trouble but I'm not sure it'd be for murder."