"Someone was looking for you," a drunk, muscular man applying some paint to his fingernails says to Belmarniss as she walks by. "Drow girl."
"I think that's illegal here. But you'd probably know better than I if that applies to us always chaotic evil types."
"I don't actually know," says Fazil, sounding fairly bothered about this. "I think it's fairly likely that if I included it in my summary of the adventure we would get in trouble but I'm not sure it'd be for murder."
"Would, too, because she'd have the resurrection contract and they'd want to sue you to recover costs."
She laughs. "Oh, there you go. It may or may not be illegal but it would definitely be expensive."
" - you know what we could do? Write up free resurrection contracts for all the drow around, then when some adventurers kill them, sue for costs. Word gets around pretty fast and no one wants to kill a drow."
"But then they wouldn't be real resurrection contracts, if you weren't going to raise any drow who died of something you couldn't sue over."
"Some contracts don't pay out for stupidity, ours could just not pay out for non-adventurer causes of death."
"I'm not aware of any other drow around at this time and you'd think someone would have mistaken me for any such persons by now. Also, like, are you actually allowed to just insure anything you want, whether people can tell you'll sue them about it or not? That cactus over there, say, suppose I had a cactus resurrection spell, can I insure the cactus and go after whoever knocks it down for target practice -"
"I don't actually know much about this but I was thinking of insuring the underground drow."
"How would people even find out about it if somebody started killing 'em, what if it's legitimately self-defense..."
"If you go break into someone's house and then they try to stab you so you stab them first it's not really very self-defense."
"I think people mostly don't raid the Underdark for treasure because you have to be high enough level to get there that there's stuff with better returns by then."
"Question about how they'd find out stands. Next of kin isn't gonna show up at a temple of Abadar about it."
"Not even if we tell them they'll get money for weird surface people reasons?"