"Someone was looking for you," a drunk, muscular man applying some paint to his fingernails says to Belmarniss as she walks by. "Drow girl."
"If anybody purple asks, Nocticula's my favorite deity, by the way. She's still loosely socially acceptable at home."
"Half a dozen of her lovers hiding under her skirt if you believe the song. Otherwise not as far as I know."
"Ah huh. If you tell me I wouldn't like it as much if they were there I'll punch you."
"There aren't all that many gods so if there's some kind of exceptionality that being a god doesn't help with, and doesn't help you be a god, which would be necessary to fix everything, it might easily not have popped up by chance."
"The fun thing about the prevalence of bigotry is that for you guys the Onyx would be a splurge but for me it's an incredible bargain because the proprietor only charges me as much as he charges everyone else!"
"Good on him! Is that the drow or the gender, a girl adventurer told me once that the only hotels that let a single woman book a room are really classy or really, uh, not."
"It can be either or both! I have gotten both 'what even the hell are you' and 'who's escorting you, miss, we'll be happy to show you to a room as soon as he's here', plus 'aren't you that kind of elf where the women are crazy, get out of here'. But the Onyx guy has a sign up with prices, and I said 'how much for a room', and he said 'I have a sign, don't waste my time' and I immediately put down a week's worth in advance including breakfast and dinner because you have to reward that sort of thing."