"Someone was looking for you," a drunk, muscular man applying some paint to his fingernails says to Belmarniss as she walks by. "Drow girl."
Then they will not properly appreciate it, except Mahdi, who has Tongues prepared and casts it.
Each verse is about a different beloved worshiper of Nocticula's meeting her in the Abyss and getting rewarded for their service. The seventh verse is about her smuggling them all out of the Abyss with her in light of her alignment change. They are smuggled out under her clothes and keep distracting her.
"If anybody purple asks, Nocticula's my favorite deity, by the way. She's still loosely socially acceptable at home."
"Half a dozen of her lovers hiding under her skirt if you believe the song. Otherwise not as far as I know."
"Ah huh. If you tell me I wouldn't like it as much if they were there I'll punch you."
"There aren't all that many gods so if there's some kind of exceptionality that being a god doesn't help with, and doesn't help you be a god, which would be necessary to fix everything, it might easily not have popped up by chance."