"Someone was looking for you," a drunk, muscular man applying some paint to his fingernails says to Belmarniss as she walks by. "Drow girl."
"Would've sounded like a pretty wild amount to me too. My mom was actually a sorcerer too but didn't level far and didn't have the business sense to do much with it, plus her family took most of what she did earn."
"Oh, my dad worked too but he died when I was pretty young so it wasn't a major factor in household finances that I can actually remember. Also he wasn't a caster so he didn't earn his wife a caster's income."
He nods. "We were unusually poor, a lot of boys stay in school until they're twelve and do an apprenticeship after that."
"Mahdi stayed in school until he was twenty but that's because learning to read was very hard for him."
"In my homeland reading is scorned as an evil art. It's believed that when you read words they vanish from your internal monologue and then you can never think them again."
"I figured, just momentarily I entertained the scenario and it's the exact opposite of me."
"I want you along because my friends are lawful humorless stick-in-the-muds. Or at least one of those things."
"Once we've done the scrying we'll have a better guess about where, but it'll probably be within a hundred miles of here. I'd pack for a month."