"Someone was looking for you," a drunk, muscular man applying some paint to his fingernails says to Belmarniss as she walks by. "Drow girl."
"We have trade relationships with most of our neighbors and lots of them are chaotic, or evil. Admittedly not both."
"Nemret Noktoria and Shraen and Shazeun all at various times managed productive trade relations with Noctimar, where I'm from. Whatever your best practices are for trading with chaotic and/or evil people might work and you could maybe sell 'look, Abadar is just majorly into trade' as a justification to anybody suspicious of Osirians sniffing around downstairs."
"Abadar is just majorly into trade. Reportedly tried to open negotiations with Hell once but they were too difficult to work with."
"Is there some kind of suggestion box? Dear pharaoh for my birthday I want a silk shirt from Shazeun."
"There's no way to contact the pharaoh. You can write papers for the church, foreign policy's a bit outside scope but I'm sure someone would publish it if it was reasonably about trade."
"Think the pharaoh sits in his beetleshell with a wife for every day of the week reading theology papers?"
"A little! And I'll have to pick up some new hobbies. Lots of people report finding retirement boring and expanding their drinking hobby, which seems tragic."
"I'm not sure it belongs to an entire class of activity with its own name like 'hobby' but you'd know better than I if there's an Osirian word for it or something."
"Some people taste expensive wines and I guess that's a hobby and not very tragic."
"Also if you keep it up too long you'll wind up having to work more than once a week."