"Someone was looking for you," a drunk, muscular man applying some paint to his fingernails says to Belmarniss as she walks by. "Drow girl."
"Can't go back and execute someone you sentenced to Hadassah because their friends broke out. Sentences are final until evidence you've failed to comply with terms, or broken another law, surface."
"Makes sense. Do I have some kind of cover story about why I might be convinced to let it lie, here, in the latter case?"
"Like all good pirates she reportedly buried her outrageous hoard of treasure somewhere."
"Do the authorities want her outrageous hoard of treasure or does it come with the job?"
"Depends where it is, actually? If it's in Taldor we would probably end up parting with most of it in the course of getting them to drop their spurious charges. If it's here we'll just get a flat 15% finder's fee but it wouldn't be complicated. If it's elsewhere I don't know. We haven't travelled to Cheliax as part of this whole mess yet, despite some of the pirates clearly originating there, and I'm hoping we won't have to."
"Am I going to get caught up into your spurious charges, coming into the mess at this hour?"
"I wouldn't visit Taldor until it's all resolved, assuming you get involved at all. But they're not going to come here for you."
"Two hundred for talking to her. If you want in on the whole mess, we're drawing a salary from Sothis and averaging twelve thousand when we stop a ship."
"Nice. I can probably walk on a boat these days, even, I got somebody to stick my cantrip to an anklet. I'll talk to her and then probably join up."
"We haven't got much more on her. We can give you the questions we had in the letter."
"It's really hard to guess that off her rap sheet. I guess use your best judgment?"
"Nice, I've been feeling the lack since last I rode it. When do you wanna leave, I'm between stuff right now."
"We can meet you at the Onyx. This place is a bit downscale but we didn't know how long we'd be waiting for you."
"What, am I the only woman you've ever met? Visiting a monastery isn't exactly high hazard pay stuff, you could've roped in somebody's sister."