"...Pelape's my alt. She -
There's a potion called Felix Felicis. It does luck. It does really good luck.
You're not supposed to take it in more than one day's dose at a time, because it's insanely addictive. Starts mostly concentrating on how to get you to take more. The comedown's supposedly survivable, if you, say, take all the Felix on the planet and no more is brewed before it's out of your system. But it's also supposedly awful; we don't have a lot of details.
Pelape knows how to fly spaceships, and she is on a lot of Felix and relying on us to pay her bills so she can collect more after more is brewed, so she can use it to find more planets so the Amentans can - relax at all - with how they've been colonizing Earth. She could show up any time in the next few days, she has that much supply before she needs to come back and get more."