"Uh - hm.
"So, taking that literally, no, not at all, you're certainly compatible with dozens or hundreds of people who aren't me even if you don't know about it yet.
"Taking it less literally... if I'd finished out awakening at home, I would have done some work on my personal approach to sex'n'romance to make it work better with being an esper, on the assumption that I would need to shop around, might need several partners, could not assume that espers whose backlashes complemented mine would necessarily be particularly exciting to be around on a personal level, etcetera... and instead I awakened with you... so I did not do that. I still can? If it's important?
"And... on this topic...
"...Lorica didn't grow up with espers being a thing and presumably got blindsided by what I'm now assuming was a catastrophically bad awakening and I'm not sure she would like to do some kind of, I don't know, time-share arrangement. Besides, maybe she got on well with the Lucien from Guide and would rather stick with him partnerwise. Though I'm... sort of tentatively guessing that they do not get on as well as you and I do."