It goes on like this for a few more months. Damjen visits regularly, occasionally bringing a gift of some sort. Typically a book, since books are considered 'relatively safe'. He once tried to get a scale model of a boat to him, but it was rejected.
The second book he gave him was a Southeastern weather almanac, similar in format. On the left pages were illustrations of some weather phenomenon, on the right pages were the same phenomenon with annotated spiritual energy flow diagrams, as well as explanations about the correct interpretations and predictions to make about the weather given some formation. His family didn't specialize in weatherworking, but they held their holdings long enough to know some, and enough money to have books about it. He justified this book to the guards in that it still had utility to a non-eye mage, since they could still use the mundane pictures for weather prediction.
The third book he gave him was a book about plants, especially flowers, on an island preserve. It has fewer pictures, and the pictures are entirely mundane. They're photographs though, rather than prints. The text is denser with more jargon, intended at a nonmagical but specialist audience. The book explains that although island wasn't contaminated by the biological workings of the Cannibal Kings, the plants there have hybridized with mainland plants, making them of particular interest. He justified this book the guards in that it had utility for survivalism, given that they talked about which plants are edible and not, and which had useful aspects like medicinal effects or fiber that could be processed.