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I predict this will be a self-indulgent shippy meditation on power and responsibility but it's honestly hard to predict these threads
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" - I'm not necessarily going to be happy with - whoever you find out is the source of the other half of the baby."


" - and if you are not then you should not marry him!"


"Then... why are we bringing him here."


" - because if he wants to be involved in his kid's life and he's not horrible then he should get to be."


" - so, to be a parent."


"If you go up to someone, and you say 'I have a baby, would you like to be her father', that is a proposal."



" - so, like, if the father does not want to be involved, and you do not find anyone else you want to involve, then probably when the baby comes I'll live with you and cuddle the baby and hold the baby and teach the baby lots of languages but we would not be married because I am, already, married, and I do not want a marriage sort of relationship with you -"



" - look, I don't - I don't know how your people do things. With my people, the mom has a baby, and she finds someone she wants to be a father to the baby, and if he accepts then they live together and those people are a couple. And - sometimes there are situations where a woman has a baby and there isn't, actually, anyone around who's old enough and who isn't already married, and then in some places she's alone and the rest of the community has a responsibility to give her and her child extra support, and in other places she moves in with someone who already has a wife and he's a father to the children of both women. And in some places they do impregnation differently and sometimes two men or two women get married, which we don't do because it'll mean two men with no children and two women with twenty. And - if you have a better way then that's good, that's great, I want the better way, but odds are this man is either from Earth space or from Yahi, and if I ask him to be a father to my children then I will be asking him to marry me, and I think I must be very stupid because I don't see how else he could possibly take it."


" - okay. If you asked a Quendi they would not be understanding it this way. I think, given that, you should not ask him that? And should maybe just instead - tell him the thing. And then if he cares about it he can - tell you what he wants to do. And you can see if it matches up with what you want to do."



"I guess I can try this."


"You are very brave and trying to solve lots of different problems at once here."




"I - wish it felt like there was a way to get a father for your child without marrying him but maybe Liar marriage is so different that this is just a silly concept."


"Maybe. I guess I can think of things it might mean but they mostly sound silly. Or bad."


"Did the example I tried to give help?"


"Not really? Like - if you meant to do all of that stuff only when the child was a baby then it would be very nice but I don't think anyone would treat you as the baby's father, and if you meant to live with me and take care of the child for their whole childhood then - I think everyone in my crew would kiiind of be confused about what I meant if I told them we weren't married."



"Ah. Okay. 

Are marriages in your society forever?"


Headshake. "Cause we die, you know, and because one of the partners can always get sold off. People mostly do stay together until one of those things happens, though."


- nod. "Okay. I think - you are doing a different thing than us. And - it might be that in a few hundred years of being free, the thing you're doing will change. But right now you've just got to do the best you can within it, probably."





"Sorry for being inconvenient in lots of ways."


"I don't care if you are convenient. I want you to be okay."


"Thank you. M'working on it."

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