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I predict this will be a self-indulgent shippy meditation on power and responsibility but it's honestly hard to predict these threads
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Well. That's very nice as long as it doesn't go much further than that.


Yeah. He is clear on that. Even if it's a bit harder to remember when he hasn't seen her in forever.


Oh good. Then he can have many many kisses and snuggles. She's so glad she can make him happy.


Such a happy fairy. 



And eventually a tired fairy. 


"The thing I was - going to ask the dark-haired you about, if there were a way to ask her things, was - what to do about wanting to have sex with you. Since I didn't really before, not like this, and it seems...bad."



"Wouldn't mind - trying, if we were married, only I'm not sure I can do it and have it not be - awful."


"Before I just figured we wouldn't do that the same way we wouldn't - sing songs you hated or something. Felt a lot better. I don't - I don't want you to try things you're scared of for me."


"I'm probably scared of lots of things that would be all right in the end, if they were with someone - good.

"I think I need - I don't want to say not ever, even if we're married, maybe as much for me as for you, but - I think we need time. Maybe a long time."


Nod. Snuggle.



"I love you very much. I think - I'm still scared of it? But a little less than I was. Didn't know before that there were any real men who were - gentle."


"I dunno - uh, if you liked it sometimes then I'd feel pretty sure I could always do that. But if you liked it never, it feels - silly to think I know something different. But - but the thing I want isn't something that's scary and bad for you. The thing I want is - you feeling safe and happy and mine."


Nodnod. Snuggle.

"Well. I - it might just always hurt for me, but - I don't think the emperor was trying to make me feel happy. I don't really know how much - difference it makes, whether someone's trying."


"Usually kind of a lot. What a stupid terrible person."


"He's very terrible." She is pleased that he agrees with her on this point.


"I wanna stab him. And drown him."


Snuggle. "Wouldn't stop him. He'd steal a new body."


"Hmmm. Wanna give him to my brother and then he can be a slave and see how he likes it."


"Could try it. It'd probably be complicated. And might require talking to other people."


"Well. We're gonna have to do a little bit of that to get the kids."


"Yeah. Might want to minimize it if we can. At least until they stop - doing so many things. But maybe if we're very careful."


"Wouldn't need to be very complicated. Elizabeth could just grab him and drop him, while she grabs the kids."


"That's true."

Happy snuggle.


Awww he made her happy again!!


He did! She is so happy she's with him again. And so happy he's going to take much better care of her than anyone else has.


Hagan wouldn't enslave the emperor of Scandinavia probably.


How lucky that she's not with Hagan.

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