"Daemons are the souls of people in my world," Verity says, gaping at the suddenly appearing images while trying to come up with a rundown on daemons. "Everyone on the ships, and the world we came from before, is born with one. When we're children they start out as Ditto - a formless blob which can take the forms of other daemons around it. During puberty, they change into one of a few hundred other shapes permanently, based on personality. Each can do different magical things.
"We need to stay within about 20 feet from each other at all times, or there's psychological pain. It's possible to Separate by ignoring the pain and walking much farther until the bond reconfigures itself into a version without distance limits, but almost no one does it. I haven't.
"If a person dies, the daemon vanishes. Also if the daemon dies the human always dies too. That's rarer since they're so much more durable, but it sometimes happens. Also, there's psychological pain if our daemon is touched by another human - they can only be touched by their person half or other daemons. Or inanimate objects, I guess.
"Um." She tries to think of other facts. "We have different minds, but things transfer over. Emotions, especially. We're the same person with two consciousnesses and bodies, not two people tied together. Normally conversations have the two humans talking to each other, then the two daemons talking to each other at the same time. Lots of daemons only talk to their person or other daemons. They usually express emotions the human is trying to ignore or hide."
She still thinks for a few more seconds, but can't come up with anything else obvious.