Cricket is much more effective in a 4D dungeon with Haru's new accessory. He still needs an escort who can omnidirectionally shield him from harm but now he just has to come upon a victim, bap them a couple times with a paw, and watch them no longer be his problem.
This dungeon's monsters are actually tiny, though. Little fragile insectile things, which could be a problem for a human who couldn't see them coming but can barely get through Cricket's fur even if he fails to catch one coming. Which he doesn't, because he is a mighty hunter with amazing reflexes. (Swatting the monsters fortunately doesn't seem to cause Haru's accessory to summon them out of the dungeon.) So he's doing this one solo. Because he is so powerful.
The dungeon is more complicated than just being 4D, though. It has portals, so it's complicated to map. It's not too hard for Cricket, who is native to four dimensions and doesn't find adding a few doors that much added complexity, but it adds time. Mostly it just links to more of itself. (The theme is brightly colored abstract shapes, piled on top of and wunder each other in colorful heaps, like building blocks for a four-dimensional giant child. The insects look like toys. Somebody's gone in with a beekeeper suit and a net, but that's not Cricket's job.)
This portal goes to somewhere... else.
Cricket peeps through, pupils four-pointed stars, fluff ruffling in the air currents flowing ana to kata.