sequel to maitimor
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"I don't have a solution for that one unless people from other world can learn magic from here after all. I think Cam is working on contraception for humans here."


"That'll be really good for a lot of people."


"That's the hope. I hope we can think of more ways to help you, even if the gods from my world don't become available."


"I mean, we're all fine." She looks around the table to make sure she has a consensus on this; people are nodding. "But it'd be good for other people, I think."


"You more broadly, yes."


"What's your husband like?"


"You know, I don't think anyone's definitively established if there's one here. Though I suppose he might have died. He invented the alphabet we use, it's beautiful - he was one of the first people who understood that writing could be important and not just a novelty. He has a consistently wise, thoughtful perspective. He decided he loved me and then pined for a hundred Years - this is considered very romantic even though it's silly - before he told me."


"That sounds very romantic!"

"It sounds awfully impractical."

"Not if she's not getting any older."

"I guess if you told her parents so they knew not to look anywhere else."


"My parents were not involved."


"Well then how did you know not to marry someone else?"


"I didn't! But we were friends so he could probably have had some inkling if there were any other plausible candidates."


"Do women not need their father's permission to marry, where you're from?"


"No one needs that, people can just marry when they decide they've found the person they want to marry and the time is right."



"That's so sweet."

"Was he already an advisor to the King, when you married?"


"He was. He had to be reembodied shortly after the King became King - when we settled the planet we live on now - and was an advisor from fairly soon after that."


"Does he have any other wives?"


"No, practically no one does. The King does have two. It's not because he's the King, though."


"What do you mean it's not because he's the King?"


"Hardly anyone wants more than one spouse and no one, even kings, is expected to. He has two because his first wife died and insisted on staying dead, and at the time he thought that would last indefinitely, and he wanted more children, so he found someone else who loved him and wanted children and married her too. Eventually his first wife was willing to come back and then there he was with two wives. They worked it out - the wives have since also married one another - but it's still a little scandalous."


"Women can marry each other, in your world?"


"They can, just like men can marry each other."


" - huh."


"Both became legal at the same time, actually. It used to be that only men and women could marry."


"Here too, I think, when we were ruled by foreigners."


"Well, I'm glad that's been at least halfway amended."

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