Okay, that's enough. That's really way way more than enough of all of this. She's out of here.
"Will someone come and find you when they discover you're not where they expect you to be?"
Hand holding works for her!
Well, first the clone should probably get wrapped up in a towel - she doesn't want to attract attention on the way to her hotel room.
Woaaaahhh texture. She's cooperative with this! Although she wants to do a weird amount of running her hands across the fabric first.
Uh. Well, she can kind of - swim? Along the sand? Or maybe she can try and use this human's verticality to haul herself upright.
Sakir notices when people stare at them on the way to her room but she doesn't really mind.
Cyllene doesn't really care either, she thinks. She's certainly doing her fair share of staring.
Woah. Woah. This - cave? - has such straight lines. And flat surfaces. She's kind of seen these from the water but it's NOT the same. How do they do that??? (Oh and this little cave section has a teleportation spell, sure.)
She's reacting to entirely different things than Sakir expected her to and this is great.
If her carrier gets near enough to a wall, Cyllene is going to run her hands along that too. Flaaaaaaaat. Textuuuuuuure.
"You really like how things feel, don't you dear," says Sakir, holding her new friend up to the wall they've stopped next to in the hallway.