Plane shift can drop you up to five hundred miles from your intended destination.
This time they land in some woods, at sunset, near a remarkably flat and smooth path that looks like a lava flow or something.
" - up to you. But I think they should get used to listening to you about things if they want to stay in Sunnydale."
Sigh. "Okay. I guess I don't want anyone else to die because I was embarrassed about telling people stuff."
He opens the door.
What is the girl doing at their motel room. Did he misinterpret something.
"Can I help you?"
"Hi! I'm sorry, I'll let you go in a second. I just wanted to say that if you run into any more vampires, could you please, like, hit them in the head really hard until they pass out, instead of dusting them? We're trying to see if there's any way of fixing them, and they can get over radical head trauma, but we can't get them back if they're dusted."
"I am aware of this. We think there might be a way to bring the souls back, and even if we can't, they're still a different kind of people, and they want to live, and if there's a way to let them live without hurting anyone else then I want to make sure they get it."
"Get them to Alex. We have a containment facility. I guess we'll eventually want to make sure you can contact us about stuff like this."
She heads back down to Alex.
"There was the usual defeatist there's-no-saving-vampires-so-we-should-murder-them, but I don't feel like it was overly disrespectful murder apologism?"
" - like, in a 'they're secretly evil' way or in a 'I don't like their faces' way or somewhere in the middle?"
"- more like a don't like their faces way, i guess.
They're scandalized that I'm driving you home."
"Some Saudi Arabia shit, you need your dad to keep you on a leash. I don't even know the details, it was so obvious to them that they didn't bother finishing the thought out."