Plane shift can drop you up to five hundred miles from your intended destination.
This time they land in some woods, at sunset, near a remarkably flat and smooth path that looks like a lava flow or something.
"Suit yourself."
And she takes them to the movies and examines the posters.
"You want aliens, historical romance, kids' movies, I think that one's horror? Or attempt at social commentary on science and society and shit."
"Solid." She talks to the lady at the counter. "Four tickets for Men in Black."
She also wants them to buy popcorn and candy. She is insistent that this is important for the full moviegoing experience, even though movie theater popcorn is objectively overpriced.
Then they can watch Men in Black.
She honestly considers it disappointingly low on the scandal meter. No sex scenes at all. But hey, it's a movie, and it's fun, and there are aliens and massive government conspiracies, and she is in theory supposed to be wowing these people with the wonders of modern technology.
They seem suitably impressed with modern technology and it actually makes a lot more sense no one knows about magic if government officials all carry around wands of Mass Modify Memory, why didn't anyone mention that? Pricy and a weird priority but there are weirder places.
"Yeah, I think that part's fake? Pretty sure real coverups are mostly lower tech than that. Mostly the police write up a lot of reports about gangs on PCP. I hear there is something messing with people's memories, just not the government so much."
Sure! Do they know what groceries they want or should she just fill their cart with good stuff. Also does their motel have a refrigerator.
They don't know what they want, don't know if their motel has a refrigerator, and don't know how to get an amount of food corresponding to the amount of money they have.
" - well, I can help you with that last one. These things? These are numbers. Numbers before the period are how many dollars it is. I guess I need to teach you how to count?"
"Sure." And she can find all the digits and point them out and say what numbers they are. Also put some fruit and cereal and donuts and bread and chunky peanut butter in this cart of theirs.