Plane shift can drop you up to five hundred miles from your intended destination.
This time they land in some woods, at sunset, near a remarkably flat and smooth path that looks like a lava flow or something.
Plane shift can drop you up to five hundred miles from your intended destination.
This time they land in some woods, at sunset, near a remarkably flat and smooth path that looks like a lava flow or something.
"Okay, if we count in terms of how many shirts you can buy with it and not how much gold, one of your gold pieces is like three and a half dollars, as opposed to the sixty-five dollars it is if you count in gold. - you should probably sell some of your gold if you're gonna be here for a while. Like, I can't tell you how to live your life, but people like gold."
"Those things are objectively super valuable and we would be happy to pay you for them, but if you just advertise in the paper or whatever you will get a pittance. Let us talk to our government buddies and see what they're willing to offer for it, at least?"
"Cool." Alex can you talk to your government friends or whoever about how to make good use of generalized healing spells? And I guess how much to pay these guys for the service.
Yeah, I'll talk with them. I guess we don't want them just breaking the masquerade and opening up a scrying and magic healing store that quickly gets a reputation for actually working.
I mean, I dunno that it's the wrong call? But your government friends said no on that, right, so I feel. like we should give them a heads up first. And this does seem like a kind of volatile way to break it, even if I'm sure the hellmouth and the - whatever makes it hard for people to process the supernatural would dampen the effect somewhat. It's not like there isn't a magic shop in town already.
I'm sure the Defense Department can pay to keep them quiet and occupied. And we can get another scry done in the meantime. Your dad?
Possibly it's insensitive to not do Dad too? But it's like - we couldn't actually do anything for him, you know? At least I don't think so. Maybe if I looked at the spell lists more.
Gotta figure out how, someday, to have the world not be like this. But - not short term, yeah.
"Who could have guessed that you of all people would say that. - I think that I should probably set up a temple here."
" - you technically can just open a temple but I'm not sure you'd get very many people interested. I guess I can sympathize with the impulse."
"If Abadar thinks it's important for it to get a lot of interest right away then he'll presumably give me some flashy spells for that purpose and if he doesn't then they'll gradually come for the loans and the healing."
"I think you cannot give out loans without a lot of permits. I am not sure what the legal limitations on magical healing are but several churches claim to do it and people around here mostly don't believe them. - actually that might not be true in this town specifically but in general California is a moderately godless place."