osirians go to da:o
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She would feel really bad about this if they were real people but they are not. She just has to make reeaaally sure not to stomp Mahdi.

She charges the other Tarrasque with all the power she has. She bites it.


Mahdi continues running away. Many things about this situation don't make sense but running away seems like the best solution. Unless he could fly away? He was never any good at magic but Aria was a fighter last he met her and now she's a Tarrasque. He can't figure out how to attempt to fly away. Do you cast Fly? Or do you just jump and imagine you are flying?


The second one isn't going to work for him, you have to pick someone else's form and turn into it if you want to change what you are. The first one might if he remembers how to cast fly? His magic is different than most people's, but other people can use their existing magic in the Fade.

She tries to push the other Tarrasque away from the door to her dream. Gotta give Mahdi enough time to get to vaguely the right place.


He does not remember how to cast fly. He's pretty sure he has never in his life had magic. He wanders through the city in the direction she pointed.


She's a little new to being a Tarrasque and is probably not going to actually win this fight against the other one. She drives it back a couple blocks and takes a lot of instantly-regenerating wounds and then -

She collapses and transforms back into a flying person and barely escapes being crushed under the thing's massive foot -

She flies just over the crowd and scoops up Mahdi and tries to find the door she came in through -


There it is, just about to get crushed by collapsing buildings.



She flies and opens the door and closes it behind them just as the house is about to be destroyed, and -

She's back in the Arl of Denerim's manor.

It's much quieter here. There is laughter coming from nowhere in particular, and also occasionally there are a couple people screaming somewhere.

"Okay. I think we should be - safer. Here."


"That seems plausible," says Mahdi.


"You okay? - I'm, uh, sorry. About all of this."


"We should probably just have killed them all when we saw the food was poisoned."

He pauses.

"Can I have my stuff back, here? Or is that not how this works?"


"I'm not really sure. It's very, like, dream logic, here? We might be able to find it somewhere. Or you might be able to dream it up, but no promises. Do you think you know how to cast spells?"


"I have a strong intuition that I do not know how to cast spells, which I assume is an enchantment. Separately I don't have any components."


"Okay. I guess just stick close, then. We need to find Fazil and Draconis and Hagan. I - suspect we're being held here and observed by a demon of some kind, and I'm not sure that killing it will do any good but I don't have a lot of other ideas, so I'm gonna try to find everybody else and then - we'll see if we can find what's holding us here."



She leads him back through the windy corridor and back to the part of the Arl's house that makes sense. They come out in the room with lots of caged Mabari, snarling at them like they'd like to tear out their throats. There are two dead humans and a dead dog on the floor, none of them armored. It's one of the better rooms.

"Okay. People outside might've come back by now. You wanna head right, and when you come to the end of the hall there's another corridor also to your right, you want to duck into that and wait there, probably."


He does that.


When they head outside the guards are there. (So are their corpses. She's killed these ones like four times so far.) The guards are stronger in her dream than they probably were in real life, and are always better armed than she is, but she does manage to kill them before they kill her. She is never actually certain that she can; in many of these dreams she dies, and it is desperately important that this not be one of them.

She sweeps the bedrooms for more extra doors. There are off-duty guards in some of them. They scream when she kills them. Some of them plead with her. She kills them anyway. Some of them turn into the guard captain and say awful, vile things before she can cut their throats. 

She clears the area of living guards and then finds an extra door in the room full of weapons and training dummies. She calls to Mahdi.


Mahdi has been trying to dream that he has his component pouch and spellbook. This is made more difficult by the persistent conviction he has never been able to do magic and by the fact he doesn't understand how this thing works at all. 

He comes.


"Extra door here. Probably leads somewhere else. - also I don't know if a sword or a knife or anything would help you any but you could take one from here, if you wanted."


"I'll take a knife."


She can get him a knife, then.

And she opens the door and comes out somewhere else.


A big patch of dirt, with nothing growing in it, a temple looming in the background. There's a gold-robed priest. There are people sitting at the feet of the gold-robed priest. They look emaciated. The sky is grey.



She heads over to the priest.

"Where are we?"


"This is an Osiriani funeral," Madhi says quietly.

"Who are you?" says the priest.


"I'm, uh, Aria Tabris of the Grey Wardens?" she says, for lack of any better way to identify herself to dream people.

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