May, 1970
"Dr. Shulgin. Thank you for speaking with me."
"I understand you want to recruit me for a classified project?"
"In any case, yes, I'll take the weaponized thymus. Knuckle busters and punching tendons. Projectile launcher in the right arm and the steel-slicing pincers in the left. And, yes, I want the spider-climbing package. And the ink jet. I think that's everything."
"Ah, I didn't mention, but these are relatively low-impact; highly optimized for obvious reasons. You can get eight rather than six."
"Ah, okay. Let's say... the poison stinger, and another projectile launcher like you said. Right, let's look at where we stand with this list."
"Twenty-four extra organs ignoring the penciled, thirty-four if you include those. But I think you will want to go somewhere in between. Here, I have the running list."
"Right. Okay, it's looking like I might drop two of the potential digestive changes, I'm still not excited about the spare teeth and long tongue - especially after looking at the tentacles and bioweapons. What would that get us in terms of reduced stress on the system for applying other varieties?"
"Some reduced load, not an enormous amount. Certainly it buys us less time spent modifying your digestive tract, but unless it's something closely related from another slate, probably we could only squeeze in one other per two forgone."