Demon Cam in the Potterverse
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Hmmm, are a lot of people milling around and not attending talks? He might just let his behatted cameras attend those if he could be mingling.


There's a fair bit of mingling going on! Lots of small groups chatting with each other and exchanging business cards and so forth.


...Cam spends thirty seconds designing himself a business card (Campbell Mark Swan, consulting, material support, venture capital with a how-to of his mail label on the back, footnoted "does not work in reverse, include your owling address") and strides forth among the minglers.


He is promptly mingled at! This guy wants to give him a pamphlet. This woman also wants to give him a pamphlet. This other woman is a senior analyst at One Law For All. The guy wearing a bathrobe thinks the talks so far have been very cool.


Cam accepts pamphlets, distributes business cards, and has wings at people, eavesdropping as he circulates.


The wings get him lots of questions! There are also a lot of people with opinions they want to share. This wizard thinks that wizards should donate sperm and produce a lot of "muggle-born" children. This witch thinks that magical education should also teach the important subjects from muggle schools, which are grammar and rhetoric and Greek. This witch objects to revealing the existence of magic without buy-in from centaurs.


"I'd be all for that once you can list it openly in the bank directory," says Cam, and "Grammar and rhetoric and Greek haven't been mainstays of Muggle education for quite some time, now they like math and science and history and literature", and "Oh, what do the centaurs think, where would I go to talk to them further about it?"


Greek-and-rhetoric witch is now convinced that muggles are also wrong about what are the most important school subjects. There are some centaurs in the forests of northern British Columbia!


"There are quite a lot of forests in northern British Columbia, could you be more specific?"


"Uhh, I could point to it on a map of the province if I had one? It's way up in the northeast corner."


Cam materializes a map of B.C. and offers it.


She's visibly impressed and points out the wilderness in question. It's a couple hundred square kilometres.


"If I land anywhere in there and go looking for centaurs they will turn up?"


"Probably? I've never been. There's a wizard who hangs around the ranger station in case they want to talk; he should know how to find them." She points out the ranger station on the map too; it's at the edge of the suspiciously low-detail area.


"Cool, thanks!" Mingle mingle business cards business cards.


Would he like to sign up for the pro-integrationist newsletter? It has articles and also notices of future events in this vein.


He would love to sign up for the pro-integrationist newsletter, thanks! (Presumably they will use the subscription money usefully and it's not like he's hurting for cash; he will not pirate the newsletter. Or, well, probably he will, but he'll also pay for it.)


Pirating it will definitely be faster, given that it's printed in America and delivered by birds.

Eventually everyone stops networking and goes home.


Hopefully he gave out enough business cards. He checks his mail in case anyone has attempted to use one to contact him.


Rebecca Arbahan from One Law for All has invited him to coffee, and included several time options and her owl address.


He will accept this invitation and hope it's not just about his charming smile. If he picks the soonest time he won't feel like he ought to travel intercontinentally extra times about it. Where can he rent an owl here?


The underground wizarding mall has a post office, complete with a shaft to the surface that looks like a tree from the outside so the owls can come and go mostly inconspicuously.


He sends his acceptance by rental owl and occupies himself until coffee.


Rebecca shows up promptly at the little magical coffeehouse where they arranged to meet. She's very petite and sharp-eyed and pale. When they're both seated with their drinks she performs a few subtle flicks of her wand that have no visible effect.

"Just a couple privacy charms," she explains. "Because, you see, you have made me extremely curious. Your combination of wandless magic and self-transfiguration doesn't match the magical style of anywhere I've heard of, and while you seemed very informed on the issues nobody else has heard of you either--except for some very strange rumors from the UK. So I'm wondering where you learned magic and why you're suddenly so much more . . . not public, exactly. Let's say visible. And I'm hoping you're more willing to explain it to one person than to dozens."


"Sure," he says. "I'm from another universe and I'm not a human at all, much less a wizard."

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