Demon Cam in the Potterverse
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"I will do my best. It's 'Diagon Alley'?"


"Yes. It will take you the Leaky Cauldron; it's the pub at the entrance to the Alley." He gets his own packet and demonstrates, vanishing into the flames with a whooshing noise.


Cam follows. He emerges into the Leaky Cauldron in a tumble, then gets up and dusts himself off.


"You're hardly the first to fall over your first time. The Alley's this way." Lupin leads Cam to the back door of the pub, which leads to a small dingy space with brick walls on all sides, and taps a specific brick with his wand. It, and then the surrounding ones for several iterations, spin in place and slide into the gaps thus produced until the wall has assembled an archway into itself. Beyond is a bustling street, full of shops selling everything from broomsticks to beetles and variously dressed people shopping, gossiping, arguing, haggling, and generally enjoying themselves.


"Gosh! There is sure an aesthetic here. Wish my camera would work, but not enough to wreck twelve more trying to figure out one that's low tech enough."


"What makes you think it wouldn't? I thought it was only Hogwarts that had that sort of problem."


"Is it? Maybe it's worth a try." He makes his computer in an inside pocket of his trenchcoat, pulls it out, tries turning it on.


It takes a bit longer than it should to boot up, but then it runs alright.


How odd. Cam takes photos. Does everything show up in the photos?


Yup! If, during this process, he looks at the skyline, he might notice that he can't see any more distant buildings over the ones immediately around him, despite the fact that they shouldn't be tall enough to block out the rest of London completely.


Huh. Is there any obvious way to get a higher vantage point short of breaking out the wings?


Not especially, but the traffic is a lot thinner down that skeevy-looking side alley, and it has some fire escapes he can climb.


Cam will go ahead and climb the fire escape, why not.


Lupin gives him a bemused look but doesn't say anything. 

When Cam looks out over the edge of Diagon Alley, he can see a couple of smaller magical streets, and then Diagon Alley again, complete with this building and the back of his own head.


...he waves at himself, blinking, and then climbs back down. "Space warping is weird," he remarks to Lupin when he steps off the last rung.


"I suppose it is, yes. Very useful, though. I believe you wanted to go to Gringott's while we were here?"


"Gringott's? Is that the bank, I wanted to go to the bank."


"Yes, that's the bank. It's this way." He gestures and sets off. "In case nobody told you: Gringotts is run by goblins. They're not very fond of wizards, for pretty good reasons. Don't stare, and if they're grouchy it's nothing personal."


"Good to know. Am I correct in assuming that at least until I have my bearings well enough to want to do major infrastructure work of some kind the basilisk alone is going to be worth enough for walking-around-money purposes and I do not need to investigate whether they'll cash conjured materials today?"


"Yes, it should be plenty unless you're planning to buy a giant house in London and similar. Here we are."

Gringotts is a massive white marble building, with large imposing doors flanked by short imposing pointy-faced guards in shiny uniforms. There's a poem on the doors promising unspecified dooms to anyone trying to rob the place.


Cam tries not to stare at the pointy faces. He reads the unspecified dooms. He sweeps into the bank, fishing for his IOU.


There's not much of a line on a weekday morning; he can go right up to the counter. The teller says, "What's your business?" in a slight accent probably caused by his pointy teeth.


Cam hands over the slip of paper. "This is! I'll probably need to open an account about it."


The goblin inspects the slip and says, "Here's the new account form," pulling a sheet of parchment out from under the counter. "There are tables with quills over there," he adds, pointing at the other side of the room.


"Is it necessary to use a quill?" Cam asks, looking at the form.

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