Eclipse Bell in Arda
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"Will do."

And later: "Findekané says hi."


"I should probably make time to go south with her sometime, we live in the same building and it's like we see each other twice a year. You were checking in on the kids?"


"Yeah, barely talked to them though, according to Findekáne they figure I'm a boring and/or important grownup and therefore should not be expected to show up."


"That's probably convenient. Unless you want human company or something."


"I do talk to people on Earth."


"Maybe you need facial expressions or something? Osanwë doesn't quite meet my social needs - admittedly, I have more social needs than average -"


"I don't think I especially need facial expression? Hugs sure but not so often that seeing Alex as often as I do won't cut it."


"Okay. The kids all seem to be doing okay, though I wish they'd mature at normal human speeds, that bit's inconvenient."


"Yeah. Valar can't except them?"


"Suggested we set up on Tol Eressea, which is outside the range of the effect. I don't know how to get the internet there - it's an island -"


"Islands on Earth do have Internet. You can run cable underwater."


"What kind of expertise do I need to be looking for on that -"


"Engineering, presumably."


So Isabella looks up how the things are installed and who does it and tells her.


And she gets that underway; in a couple years Tol Eressea might have internet, but it's legitimately really difficult and will be a while.


Well, the kids can learn just as fast in Valinor - they do lose track of time but they also need less sleep - but teenagers they will stay, with little bursts of growth when they go home on visits.


The losing track of time is interesting; they didn't notice it when they had nothing to compare to. Fëanáre's tempted to spend time on Earth to see if she makes progress on lighting any faster.


Earth would not particularly object.


Well, she's not totally confident her mother won't do something to make Earth object eventually; her mother has problems with authority. Nothing goes wrong right away, at least. 


Earth's various authorities mostly need to be provoked to bother people. Only mostly, but Fëanáre's not an obvious exception.


She is productive and unharassed and spends record label money on all kinds of interesting takeout and thinks she'll have something for Endorë in a Year at this pace.


And Ulmo announces willingness to make an Earth-Endorë portal that anyone can walk through. Not an Earth-Valinor portal, though, they'll need boats for that.


"Which Earth has. I think I'm going to set up a hundred miles north of Alqualondë on the coast, build a port city. If there are ships travelling often enough it'll be easier to persuade people to go scout in Endorë, see if it's as bad as my grandmother worries."


"If there's only going to be one portal Earth is going to have fantastic fights over where to put its end. Might be expedient to cut that off by having a place in mind in advance."

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