Eclipse Bell in Arda
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"Good!" Unless you want, like, an actual analysis of what resources you have for your future projects, in which case still good but we should probably sit down or something.


Hadn't come planning to ask, but if there's interesting analysis to be had can't scare me.


I mean, they're kids, and we're mostly trying to make sure they have a good environment to grow up in. But you don't run a kingdom for very long without noticing what people'll be good at - 


And she finds them a bench next to a fountain where there's cakes strewn out from afternoon snack - eclipsed really do eat an astonishing amount, I told one girl who was getting kind of tired of thinking about magic that if she put in the hours expanding this ranged mind-finding thing she had I would shoot her an elephant to eat, and she did, so I did -


Are elephants tasty?


They're - different? Perfectly nice if you know how to cook them. Are there exotic megafauna you want for dinner, because the other humans were all very excited that most things extinct on Earth are extant here.


It hadn't particularly occurred to me as a culinary opportunity, is there anything you recommend?


Most dinosaurs are fairly stringy - some of them lay very tasty eggs, though - woolly mammoth has nothing to recommend it - dodo birds are delicious.


I would love to eat a dodo. And try dinosaur eggs.


Can do. 


And she gives a rundown of the kids - what they're working on, what progress they've made to the extent it's measurable, how they talk about their future plans - one boy met a sub on Christmas break who he was terribly torn about leaving behind to come back to Valinor, he's been chatting with her online all the time and asked a couple times if she can come and join them - one psion girl's best friends with some Maia of gardening and they have this stunningly pretty rooftop marvel -


Isabella's very impressed by the roof garden. Is the question whether Valinor will allow the sub he met or whether the sub is free to go?


She's been trying to delay him on the grounds that they only knew each other for a week and are pretty young even for humans but if Isabella thinks Valinor shouldn't have any objections Valinor will manage its objections; it's not clear how the sub's parents feel about it but the dom makes more than that country's median income and he insists they'll be enthusiastic.


Oh, Isabella thinks it would be a terrible idea for him to have a sub move in with him after knowing her for a week on multiple levels, but wasn't clear who in this scenario was agreeing with her.


"I don't want to assume too hard that things that'd be a terrible idea for Elves would be for humans too, but yes, that's where we'd fallen on it."


"If they're still together in a year, longish visits might be reasonable, it'd be weird for them to actually live together before they were like eighteen."


"...humans in Valinor age ten times slower, he's not going to be eighteen for a long time."


"That, I'm not sure how to take into account; I don't know how it'll affect mental development..."


"Does with Elves - like, an Elf raised in the Outer Lands will have the emotional maturity of an adult by the time they're fifty; their five-year-old counterpart in Valinor will be, well, five."


"Then the relationship is probably doomed."


"Unless he brings her here right away, which is where this always leads when anyone discusses it with him. Do humans do a lot of maturing between fourteen and eighteen?"


"Yeah. Eighteen is legal adulthood."


"Okay. Thank you. Do you want to meet them for the checking-in-on, or -"


"It's occurred to me that they know I'm here and might have noticed that I don't hang out with them; I don't have a sense of whether that bothers them in any way, though."


"Uh, they gossip about you a fair bit? I think they assume you have important government business and are also a boring adult and that's why you don't hang out with them."


"Ha. That works."


"It certainly hasn't caused any problems."

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