Eclipse Bell in Arda
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Both those? And general disregard for the wellbeing of others and the peace of their communities, and the sex, and the language, and the sex -


Okay, well, humans usually do keep the sex out of kids' media, if Elves want to look at human things but not the sex they can read stuff intended for human kids. Same with the strong language, although Isabella's a little nonplussed about the idea of people finding non-native curse words upsetting? ...Does Quenya even have vulgar words, if they have them don't they ever use them, if they don't how is this concept translating. She's... not sure how you construct plots without any characters who have some disregard for the wellbeing of others and the peace of their communities. What is Elf fiction even about.


Inventing stuff. Mathematical rivalries. Doomed romances? Discovering yourself. Coming of age.


(The kids' media goes over well.)


Humans do some of those plots but usually add what parses to humans as additional interest by having antisocial characters. Even the kids' media will have antisocial characters, though they will tend to be clear villains or object lessons of some kind.


Some Elf media does feature Melkor as a lurking boogeywoman, so they can cope with human children's cartoon villains.



Of course, there's also human nonfiction to contend with, but fortunately it is OK if the Elves are inspired to try to solve Earth's various distressing problems as long as they are clear that humans being another species is not the problem.


They are mostly clear on this. 


Humans sometimes have children without meaning to? That's utterly horrifying.


Well, not that often, since they are clear on what causes it and the more levelheaded among them can just find other ways to pass an evening, but some people have very bad impulse control, and humans don't die of being raped even if they are married, and some people have objections to or access problems wrt or medical incompatibilities with birth control.


This is very very upsetting. 


The Elves are probably not going to get anywhere on the religious objections but if they want to address this problem Isabella can point them at Planned Parenthood Global? ...Unless Elves are going to freak out about abortion or something whoops thank you precognition uh can any Elves Isabella has met handle that information.


That depends what she means by handling that information! There are several who will concede that preventing unintended pregnancies in the first place is the most palatable preventing-infanticide avenue?


That's close enough. As long as the result looks like "sell Elf art and donate proceeds to Planned Parenthood" and not like "aggressively lobby Earth political units to get really draconian about abortion".


There exist Elves who can be dissuaded from lobbying for laws against abortion. Not, like, dozens of them, but Maitimë is totally dissuadable.


Okay. She will go talk to Maitimë about this mess then.


She has already foreseen this conversation. doesn't go word-for-word as foreseen, maybe Maitimë pays a lot of attention to Isabella's body language all the time or something. "Hmm?"


"So some Elves found out that humans can have unintended pregnancies and freaked out and I would like to productively direct the freakout but the obvious way to do that involves yet another topic that apparently causes Elves to freak out and you freak out least."


"Some unintentionally pregnant humans prefer to stop being pregnant; this is done via what amounts to induced miscarriage."




"Okay. And - for some reason we can't do anything about this -"


"By the time a human is unintentionally pregnant it is way too late for everything to be okay. Humans don't like being unintentionally pregnant any more than Elves would and the ones who want to induce miscarriages are fairly desperate to do so and likely to be traumatized by constraining their options in what is already an unpleasant set. You could heavily subsidize mages who do fetal transfers, and subsidize surrogacy - though you'd find less than universal uptake even if it were free - but it would be much more efficient to direct all this upset at preventing the pregnancies in the first place. Medical abortions are pretty safe for the unintentionally pregnant person but 'freaked out lady trying to DIY it because there's nowhere legal to go' is not, that's what the history of the issue looks like."



"Okay. So - we reduce the unintentional pregnancies and at least for now don't do anything about the -"


"Yeah. Conveniently most of the people who object to birth control also object to abortions - sometimes they're hypocrites but demographically that's what you're looking at there. Low-hanging fruit is letting the existing options be more cheaply and easily acquired, after that you could subsidize some mages for people who have medical problems with the really reliable options. Some humans who oppose abortion like to emphasize making it easier to go through with the pregnancy - I don't know how medically complicated that is for Elves but it can be a clusterfuck with humans, occasionally an abortion is 'if we don't do this both die' - and easier and cheaper to raise a kid; I don't know how efficient that actually is but I can look into it."


"Thank you. We'll spend some money on that."


"Thank you for not fainting," says Isabella dryly.


"Was there a way of telling me about it that caused me to faint?"

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