Eclipse Bell in Arda
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So, an expensive test, but yeah.


Cheap compared to people dying - except all the money's trading against people dying - I feel like I was just waiting for my life to start, before we found Earth -


Earth is definitely rich with challenges.


Nothing I was doing mattered and I wasn't even learning how to cope with things mattering. Not that I think we're doing wretchedly, but it's not hard to think what we could've done better.


Frankly I think plumbing matters. Admittedly less than it would in a place that otherwise didn't have potable water or adequate sanitation, which are the sort of thing that makes it very important on Earth. But yeah, it's not eclipse-disaster levels of mattering - I think you're adjusting really well -


Wasn't fishing for compliments. Just - I'm glad you were able to avert some disasters, I wish it were easier fixing everything - you must be exhausted -


I had a nap before I came back here but kinda yeah.


I'll let you sleep. Congratulations on as much as you did.


The new mage and psion kids get occasional visits; they seem to like Tirion fine, except for the persistent lack of the Internet. The Valar are consulted about that and can't think how to help except trying to make another portal.


Well, if they could make one that worked differently from the first one and would let cable run through it, it wouldn't even have to be very big.


They should be able to do that! They try it.


Success! They can run some wires through and now Tirion has internet! If Elves can tolerate wires running around through the streets. They could put decorative covers on them or something. Knit wifi router cozies.


Maybe they can repave the streets and bury the wifi cables. They shouldn't require maintenance because Valinor.


"Repaving seems like a lot of effort, and while they might not require maintenance they could be obsolete in ten years."


"Knit cozies it is, then. We could have a decorating contest."


"Adorable," declares Isabella.


Tirion has a Internet cables decorating contest. The winning solution is a shimmery coat of gloss and silver detailing and twice as much wire as is actually required to span the city so that it can be elegantly looped.


This is adorable. The humans don't care very much as long as it works. They can be Internetfully acculturated!


Some of the contents of the human Internet cause a bit of a stir!

Permalink this a problem? The Elves don't have to look at the Internet if it's bothering them, right?


Might be a problem if the Valar decide it's disruptive. They'll just have to lean really hard on the 'different species' thing.


Suuuuuch different species! Shorter! Less sensitive scalps! Worse vision! Mortal! Roled! None of those pesky oath things!


And with highly inappropriate conduct depicted in their media!


Are we talking about the sex or the violence or what.

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