Eclipse Bell in Arda
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Accidental marriages are almost always 'two people were dating but undecided on an engagement' or 'engaged but the wedding party was supposed to be in a Year', not - strangers - but it is not how I would have designed a species.


Humans sometimes have sex with strangers. Not, like, most humans, but a sizable minority.


That is comprehensible given the - lack of consequences - I expect a sizable minority of Elves would too - Tyelcormë actually does -


...and doesn't get accidentally married how?


Oh, that makes sense.


It'd be an appallingly rude thing to say about her in public, but. Some people do that when they're not ready to settle down.


I won't bandy it about Valinor. It's actually rude to say it? I don't think I realized quite how...


I don't know if we're actually more monosexual than humans or if it's entirely that it's considered - it's considered a lot of complicated things, none of them good - and that one I can't ask people even in a 'humans are like this, does that fit you at all' sort of hypothetical ways any more than I could ask them if they sleep with children -


Well. Humans don't do that one. ...As a rule; there are some fucked-up humans, but it's super illegal.


Lot of our taboos are from things that were done to prisoners in Utumno before the Valar found us.


Isabella's read a sizable fraction of the library in Tirion. She nods.


The rest are because the Valar say so. And sometimes they combine into a sort of morass - like, same-gender is forbidden because the Valar say so, and not taken seriously because it's not metaphysically possible to have a real marriage that way, and considered a sign of deep character flaws because of old associations, and considered harmful to the involved parties because of things from the war... and presumed to have roles, in a weird sort of way. I don't know where that comes from. Maybe related to the assumption you're causing harm.


Roles are not supposed to be about causing harm except in a kind of - semifictitious playful way. Like, I learned to walk with a cane because it's aesthetic to look like I'm equipped to hit people but nobody thinks I'm going to go up to somebody and start out of context...


So, assumed to have a less healthy less consensual sort of roles thing present.


Humans are sufficiently different they might get a pass.


A pass from whom? What would not getting a pass look like?


If the wrong people noticed Tyelcormë's behavior they'd petition our parents to discipline her - either convince her to go to the Valar and get it corrected, or arrange her a marriage, or send her south where no one cares - and people'd probably be reluctant to give her things - and if our parents didn't do anything they'd go to their parents -


...does the petitioning get any stronger than "irritating social pressure"? How reluctant to give her things, would she have trouble getting basics or just get snubbed if she went shopping for chachkas -


Not stronger than irritating social pressure, not trouble getting necessities - note how I haven't started an independent kingdom in Endorë yet -


Well, you didn't say exactly how hard it is to prevent the wrong sort of people from noticing things, perhaps it's come up like twice and got resolved somehow and hasn't been a priority.


It comes up very rarely and does usually get resolved somehow and hasn't been a priority but if one of my sisters were in danger I'd make it one. ...people don't notice things. They'll write off even obvious things as something else, force of habit - 

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