Eclipse Bell in Arda
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Played with a precog it's a completely different game. It's delightful. All plans with a distant payoff, all plans that it doesn't matter if they can be seen coming, all countermoves disguised as much as possible -


Occasionally Isabella giggles at things that haven't happened and now won't. Occasionally she bounces Maitimë conversations that would have been where something in an order set throws her for a loop and they had a counterfactual discussion of some cultural or political thing in the abstract. Occasionally she makes fiendishly clever moves that cannot be wholly chalked up to cheating.




She might need to enlist her mother to come up with clever randomization strategies or something. She wonders whether clever randomization can beat a precog.


Is she going to ask?


Well, all Isabella'd know is whether anyone has invented randomization clever enough to beat a precog. It might not exist yet. But she'll ask anyway.


"Nobody's come up with anything really indeterministic, and it's debatable if it's even possible. Things do get weird when we try to predict each other. You could get somewhere if you manage to condition off what I do - like how much I blink or something - that's not random, but it's interfering."


"Have fun with that."


She will have so much fun with that. It requires a lot of attentiveness to Isabella's body language but she's good at that.


Then Maitimë can win this one.

...Not by that much.


She bursts into giggles. "That might be the most interesting thing I've ever done. I - thank you. Wow."


"Thank you, I love this game."


"It's great, isn't it. And you're great at it. I don't think most people'd be that good even cheating."


"It's the kinda game I like. While your mom had my computer did she show you Civilization?"


"She was being fairly possessive, I hardly got within five feet of it."


"I should show you Civilization!" She nips off and gets her computer and comes back with it and shows her Civilization.


....Civilization is pretty great. The micromanaging! She loves micromanaging! She will have the happiest population - okay, happiest population modulo not getting invaded - why the fuck do people keep attacking you - okay, she'll take over the world and then have the happiest population - why does the game end when you take over the world, that's when the fun part starts...


"Oh, I have a patch for that - there you go."


Now she'll micromanage into having all the happy people.


Isabella thinks this is adorable.


"Thank you for showing me the game."


"You're welcome. I've gotten to the point where I can play it and think about magic at the same time, otherwise I usually can't justify building up a whole little empire."


"Makes sense. Are there compounding returns on the attentional capacity that way - you can think about magic more and get even better at it -"

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