Eclipse Bell in Arda
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Yes, yes, they would.


Here is a typical modern Earth laptop. It has a word processor and a calculator and ebooks and solitaire and a camera and a music player and Civilization V and the ability to type in Chinese if you know Chinese which Isabella doesn't and a web browser which doesn't connect here but this is the general idea and an alarm clock and spreadsheets and four seasons of Spacemages and also a recording app that Macalaurië can use if Fëanáre ever lets go of the damn thing.


She will eventually do that but maybe not in a length of time humans consider reasonable this is fascinating.


Well that's kind of adorable.


Earth is the most exciting thing that has ever happened!


Isabella is very proud of its accomplishments. She nips up the ladder to solicit additional laptops so Fëanáre can have her own.


Mass production is such a brilliant idea, she's very impressed with humans.


Humans do some great things. Here is Fëanáre's very own brand new laptop. Here is a non-laptop audio recording setup for Macalaurië because Best Buy was having a sale.


She's got some human-inspired improvisations ready already, does Isabella want to hear?


Isabella would love to!


So Isabella can get a sneak preview!


Isabella is not a particularly discerning critic but then again neither are most humans so Macalaurië is probably all set.


Well, she'd like to impress the discerning critics too. But it'll do for now.


Isabella brings the recordings up the ladder and hires a person to get them to potentially interested parties and start a bidding war.


An interested party wins the bidding war. Macalaurië now has an account with a lot of Earth dollars in it with Isabella as executor for lack of a better option. The winning interested party wants a photo shoot done. Isabella has to explain about the nondynamicness of Elves. The interested party says they can work with that if they have to (especially since Macalaurië can't come into a studio yet for a professional style consult) but is she really sure she is definitely nondynamic because people will think that's weird.


"Yeah, I didn't explain this before, it seemed awkward, uh, humans have this extra thing on top of gender..." Bounce of concept.





I - humans would be sure of this even before they're married?"


"...yes? What would getting married have to do with it?"


"Um, I can imagine turning out to have preferences about that but not - separately from having a relationship -"


"Some people date around a bit before they're sure but it would be really weird to get married without knowing - uh, Maitimë said here people only wind up with opposite-sex partners, it would be the equivalent of getting married without knowing whether your affianced was the opposite sex or not, for humans."


"...Elves couldn't do that. It just. You wouldn't be married, if you were somehow confused about that, and how would you even be confused about that -"


"Well, the one's more anatomically obvious than the other but the basic idea's the same, I think? I wouldn't date a dom, I would only date subs or switches who didn't mind subbing full-time? One definitely wouldn't get that far without figuring it out. Anyway for a lot of people who they wind up with crushes on is a clue."


"...and there are associated aesthetics? You could just send me pictures of those and I could pick the one I like, it's not like I'm going to marry a human."

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