Eclipse Bell in Arda
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How much more do eclipsed eat than standard humans?


Depends how much magic we do, but my eidetic memory's always on and I almost never have a normal dream any more and I have a precognition-intensive day job and I telepath at people all the time...


If you give people an eidetic memory will they need to eat more as well?


I don't actually know. Probably not? Humans can sometimes have eidetic or partially eidetic memories non-magically so it doesn't take actively magical maintenance.


But keeping yours yourself does?


I'm actively expanding it still - I stopped spending hours meditating on it when I had it to perfect recall of things I'd seen or heard or clearly thought about after the point of success, but I wanted it retroactive and more fully sensory and higher-detail and so on and I'm not completely done with that yet.


Makes sense. How long does that sort of expansion take?


I'll probably be all done in another Earth year or two. I first started on eidetic memory in school a little under a decade ago - precognition was after that.


I did tell you I'm in my twenties, didn't I?


Twenties of your years. She shakes her head. I just didn't think about - humans must be so busy -


What do you mean?


You grow up absurdly fast, you seem to do things in life a lot sooner -


I suppose. Now I'm wondering how you fill all your time - I mean, I would like to be immortal and don't expect to get bored or anything but I'd be a lot less sure of that if I lived, uh, here, and didn't know about other worlds or anything...


I don't get bored. I mean, I expect I'll be less not-bored now that there's more to do, but we hadn't invented half the things you have yet, new things were being invented or discovered all the time, you can study whatever interests you, running a country efficiently still takes hard work even if there's not much riding on it...


Sure, there's significant things going on but - slower. I mean. You don't have the printing press, it is probably literally possible to run out of things to read.


True. Would that be a fate worse than death?


I would still want to be immortal! I would just be less sure that I could evade boredom the entire time!


I think my mother's worried she'll be bored someday. Or was worried about that. I can't say it ever haunted me personally. Anyway, now we have all the excitement one could ask for.


We do. It's lovely.


Anyway, I think I have a festival to go organize.


Have fun.


And Tirion holds a festival! There's singing and theatre and concerts and dances and parties and a couple of accidental marriages.


And Isabella goes and works on interworld telepathy, and climbs the ladder to make her report half a Valian day after the first time she came through, and comes back with her computer and spare batteries. Would anybody like to see the computer.

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