Eclipse Bell in Arda
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Isabella reaches out and flicks a reddened ear. "No preferences - or don't want to say - or don't want to be devoting attention to preference-having when you could offload that all on to me -?"


"You control the entire universe and I am even more delighted by that than I anticipated and I really doubt that if I sorted out what I wanted I'd get anything - finer-grained than - 'exist in a universe in which Isabella is omnipotent and can do exactly what she wants -"



Apparently what Isabella wants is to be pinning Maitimë to the soft surface of the Moon and grinning at her.

"I love you."


Gasp, laugh - "I love you so much, I want to give you this in the real world, I want everything to be yours -"


"My lovely," purrs Isabella, and she proceeds to demonstrate the possibilities of lucid dreaming for its obvious prurient purposes.


What a delightful night-or-whatever-this-is - and they can have this all the time - despite everything she is so indescribably happy - 


Well, all the time they're asleep. Although dreams allow for some interesting manipulation of the perception of the passage of time.


All of the time they're asleep is still significantly longer blocks of time than they had before! Even not counting time tricks and also oooh, that's terrifying and delightful.


Isabella does strive to be delightful. Terrifying was not an original goal but it seems to be working for Maitimë so she can do some terrifying too.


If she wants Maitimë to be the human-roles-appropriate degree of awed she will probably have to do at least a little bit of terrifying. It's lovely.


Isabella is prepared to be flexible on how submissively her sub behaves, considering, but as long as a good time is being had by all "awed" is certainly an appealing look on her and "terrifying" is easy to do when you are omnipotent and can patch the limits of your attention capacity with dream logic.


Well, easy to do when you're Isabella, and very imaginative and very good at taking a little bit of leverage a long way, all of which are very appealing things about Isabella.


It's true.


They have hours and hours but dream-time-manipulation only stretches so far.


Awww, then they'll have to wake up and work on fixing the real world. Worlds. It's terrible, Maitimë hates doing that.


Poor Maitimë.

Do make sure I know when to expect you to sleep.


I assure you there is no way I will miss out on any of this.


Then it is only fitting I should have the best Elf.


The best Elf. I shall have to live up to that. 





(It's hard, not being able to talk to anyone. She sends Alex an email. The email is about how great Alex's sister is. It has to be something that wouldn't be suspicious to Elves if they read it but that's not a hard bar to clear; extended discussion of Isabella and how pretty Isabella is and how brilliant Isabella is will still be parsed, by Elves, as the wholly reasonable enthusiasm of their crown princess for everybody she knows. 


Which is convenient because she needs to tell someone how excellent Isabella is, she feels as if she's going to burst. She also feels vaguely guilty most of the time but she does not put that in the email, it not being Alex's problem.)


Yep she's pretty great, why are you telling me?


I can't talk to anyone!!! It's - not a problem I am very accustomed to having!


If you both wind up gushing to me about each other this is going to wind up like some kind of sitcom eventually, somehow, I just know it.

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