Eclipse Bell in Arda
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It seems maybe likelier for it to be one of the kids here instead of somebody back on Earth, actually, the population of Earth knows but it's less salient, we could see what happens if we go confront each kid, that's cheaper -


Good idea, let's do that first.


You're my people skills proxy, what do I say - or shall I just check what happens if you do it -


Probably just check that, yes -


So if they do that -


Only one of the psion kids has bothered picking up telepathy, what with practically everyone they interact with being an Elf who has it natively. His is interdimensional, he tells Maitimë proudly, though he sorta regretted giving his mom the ability to contact him because now she does it whenever he doesn't respond to his text messages. 


Has he used it to talk to any of the Valar? Maitimë is asking because some Earth psion tried that and got a debilitating headache for a week and they were wondering if that's universal. 


Nah, he hasn't, but, uh, good to know. Why would anyone want to talk to the Valar, they seem kinda. Um. No offense or anything.


Pretty sure they're all telling the truth. 


Yeah. Is detecting telepathic conversations a power that anyone could get even in principle -


It'd probably branch off mindreading pretty readily.


So. Try to find her contact, or warn the Valar and let them shut her down?


Could warn your mother first, let her get in whatever she wants to say -


Sigh. Email to Fëanáre to this effect.


We should have thought of that. Okay - 



And six pages of things to tell her father -


Which Isabella faithfully relays.

Permalink something wrong?


The Valar are likely to make it so I can't talk to dead people anymore soon.


...ah. Thank you. 


And a long response.


Isabella will relay as much as they need her to.


Eventually they've said as much as there's to say, for the moment.


If they're not going to think of anything in the next hour and six minutes -

- then they can tell the Valar.


Who react precisely as predicted and make the dead unpsionable, thank you very much for bringing this to their attention!!


Bella will counterfactually try arguments to get the dead and Melkor handled separately for a bit.


If people try psioning a lot of the people in Mandos, those people will be traumatized. There are a lot of traumatized people in Mandos. Practically all of the people in Mandos except the orcs chose to stay dead, and don't want to be bothered by curious humans. And there are a lot of curious humans.

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