Eclipse Bell in Arda
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"There are lots of humans - so - yep."


"And it's not even especially ethical to try prohibiting everyone from talking to her - though if there are lots of humans and she's convincing -"


"Which she is much more than I would have expected if asked yesterday -"


"So. Evil god containment just got substantially more complicated, any psion can probably pick up the ability to talk to her from their apartment in Berlin or Nairobi or wherever in less than a year, and she's sympathetic for an evil god and could probably talk at least some share of the people who talk to her into doing her evil bidding - whatever it in fact is, she probably doesn't start nudging in that direction until it's been longer than the range of most precogs - maybe longer than the range of any precog, she's a Vala, that's a heartbeat to her - 

- I'm assuming here she's in fact unrepentantly evil, it seems like the thing to prepare for whether it's warranted or not -"


"Yeah, agreed. And blocking people from talking to her involves literally continuous psion labor, almost certainly requires the psions in question to pick up the skill from scratch - or telling the Valar -"


"Who are as likely as not to freak out and will definitely come up with a solution that makes it impossible to talk to the dead at all, if that's in their power - or, alternately, they might go 'solitary confinement is inhumane, she has every right to talk to people' -"


"If Mandos says that I will find out what happens if I scream at her at the top of my lungs -"


"Which will be very satisfying, no doubt, and fail to solve our problem - we might only be a Year out from a way to straight-up murder her but gosh, that'll go over well -"


"No kidding. - I wonder if she'd tell me who else she's been talking to - if it'd be convenient to have her conspirators talking to each other -"


"Bet we need someone who can see more than an hour out for that."


"Maybe. I can try it."

If she suggests that it must be awfully lonely in Vala custody and wonders if anybody else has talked to her in there before -


[The first three hundred Years I was completely alone - got lots of prophecies, that way, all things that came to pass before anyone would speak to me to warn them.]


[Am I the first psion to think of saying hello?]


[I imagine any psion who'd be curious about that would take the additional step of checking how it'll go, and I have no way of guessing how many hypothetical conversations I've had.]


Eek. [Most psions aren't precogs.]


[Are you?]



She didn't give her name this time though -



[Whyever not? I suppose I am in an unusual position, as someone who has spent her whole life fighting to change the future, but it seems such a useful specialty.]


[Hasn't clicked yet.]


[Good skill. That's not how our magic works at all, can you tell me more about it?]


[Sure. I'm terrible at remembering to charge my phone so I learned to do this, I just had to think a lot about how it would work, what would make sense - a lot of psions pick it up and it's much faster than precognition.]


[Interdimensionally? Do you have friends in Arda?]


[I heard it was fast to stretch that way and it means I can add a line on my commission page.]


[And no one warned you that I was evil?]


[Well, on Earth solitary confinement is considered cruel and unusual.]

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