Eclipse Bell in Arda
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"I can't think how she would..."


"Yeah, but - oddly targeted charisma -"


"If she has an informant in Valinor that's kind of really important...could try you-pretending-to-be-someone-else and then we can go put up another ad for someone else, see if she seems to somehow know..."


"And in the meantime I can pretend to be a relay for somebody with better precog range but not Melkor-accessing telepathy..."


"Yeah. Just to see if the bizarrely-good-sell-for-you-personally is persistent -"


"Yeah." Okay, if she falsifies her identity altogether, if instead of just 'one of the human psions' - [Hi, I'm Anne, one of the human psions, and I'm curious about you -]


There are differences. Small differences, could just be that it'd been a while since their first hypothetical conversation, but - different phrasing of her declared preference that orcs be freed, the description of the human actions that get a continent sunk doesn't mention immortality.


Does "Anne" get the same results as "Jenna"?


...trying again using her real name and otherwise identical -


...immortality's back among the human motives for invading Valinor.


"She has an informant."


"Well, fuck. - who - how - osanwë doesn't work -"


"Which means probably a psion, psion telepathy isn't that hard, I came out of control training able to talk to Alex and it didn't take that much work to extend it to other targets."


"So - one of the kids got curious, talked to her, was charmed, mentioned you -"


"Yeah, that could be all it is, but - none of the kids knows me particularly well -"


"How many people do know you well enough to mention that you're particularly concerned with human immortality?"



"Depends on whether any of the kids have been dabbling in mindreading -"




"Is there a way we can tell -"


"With more mindreading, sure, otherwise not so much, I have a reasonably well-developed mindscape for someone who doesn't do any psychic combat but not so much that I could definitely detect read-only."


"And you said reading other psions is harder so they might not be reading you anyway - if it's not that how many people -"


"I guess people might have been paying attention to, to idle remarks, it's not particularly a secret that I'd like people to be immortal..."


"Could move all the kids back to Tampa, I could manufacture a reason and still visit them regularly - though it didn't take you too long to push to cross-dimensional telepathy - for that matter, how common is that, is it even necessarily a psion in Arda -"


"Not necessarily, no. I hadn't even considered the interdimensional use case when I constructed the power to begin with and it took, like, weeks, to get there, so - lots of people could potentially be talking to Melkor. And the psion doesn't have to be talking to her on their own behalf, either."


"Is it in character for some human somewhere to have decided to talk to Arda's resident evil god out of sheer curiosity - and, I don't know, to read her stuff off your online presence or something -"

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