"There is," he says to the demon, "a way to travel between worlds without being summoned. I will trade you the knowledge of how to make it for three of them and some help identifying a habitable planet in our new dimension."
"No, it's not, my interest is in convincing your purity-keepers that they've miscategorized some things, you're entirely incidental. But fine." He teleports it into the nearest black hole.
The purity-keepers sound pretty hard to convince. I'm starting to get a sense of the shape of this society and... it's honestly really a pity that they decided all aliens are evil and should die because otherwise I bet they'd make really great neighbours?
Yeah. Or - I don't know - I still hold out hope that there's a way to take this puzzle apart that leaves a little more of their society intact than that - I have no idea how, but maybe I'll think of something.
Fastest way to general resurrection is if I branch it from what I've got, says Elaneth-imire. Not sure how long it'll take. I can resurrect all your Elves in the meantime, though, or do you want to wait?
No, let's put them back now. I need to explain to my people what's going on and it'll help if I can tell the families of the dead Men that we'll have it in a few days at worst.
Resurrection paths for everyone. His conjuration isn't good enough yet to trivially give them all clothes, he'd have to spend enough individual attention on each case that it would add up to being not worth it, but the reembodiment power has figured out how to appear them with braided hair.
Raika-seren's osanwe shifts to allow use as an interrogation tool - and his range is world-spanning. He hops into the world where he left the alien fleets and listens to them panic for a couple of minutes, then hops into the world where the genocide aliens come from and starts eavesdropping on their civilization as a whole. He can't listen to that many people at once but he can still get a picture of—
—He can't hear anyone inside the maze on Tseiza-3. Since his osanwe doesn't reach to neighbouring universes, this is... suggestive. (Also, without particularly thinking about it, he is operating on the assumption that Maitimo can reach his mind regardless of the number of intervening worldhops. Maybe not to talk to him, but definitely to read him.)
I can hear you fine, can you hear me? And yep, Tseiza-3 must have figured out dimensional travel somehow.
Yes, he can hear him. So that answers that.
Awfully tiny worlds, it sounds like, from the people who've been there but aren't in right now... unless the portal-maze is one really weird world that happens to have internal connections that look exactly like its external connections to Tseiza-3... I'm going to listen for a clear picture of the place where the survivors are hiding out, see if I can teleport there, it'll give me more information about what's going on in there adjacency-wise and if it works I'll have the option of talking to the survivors, who might have a useful perspective or useful magic.
It'd be weird if it were adjacent, from how it's described. ...also, maybe Elaneth-imire should go, being immortal.
Yeah, good point. And I have mental eavesdropping but he's got that sensory power, he'd make about as good of a spy. Send him over?
And Elaneth-imire joins Raika-seren in interstellar space, and waits until he bounces a clear image of the survivors' bizarre planet, and tries to hop to it. Nope.
The next obvious thing to try is seeing if his sensory power can reach through the portals. He hops to the Tseiza-3 star system.
...this is a familiar star system.
Tseiza-3 is an Earth, he says to Raika-seren.
Portal mazes, magic weapons, and contagious wing-sprouting is a bizarre set of things for a magic system to do, but we're not getting a great angle on it, hearing about it from the aliens who are terrified of most of those things. Maybe the survivors could shed some light on the underlying principles, if we could get to them.
It's not clear where the magic weapons originated but they do at least seem to come from this world if not from its Earth in particular. I guess they could be an unrelated separate magic system that this world has. The maze and the wings have to be related, though, if just setting foot in there is enough for some people to catch the wing plague...