"There is," he says to the demon, "a way to travel between worlds without being summoned. I will trade you the knowledge of how to make it for three of them and some help identifying a habitable planet in our new dimension."
"Well, here."
He sends it. It's a pretty complete summary of relevant events since his point of departure, although it avoids going into the details of anyone's personal life except as necessary to explain other people's reactions. His alts were clearly very concerned with making sure he had no direct focused memories of why they are in love with their Maitimos or what it is like to occupy that state. Enough of that gets in around the edges that he can understand why they're being so careful. He's a bit bewildered by the strong implication that they both enjoy being tortured, he can't reconstruct what that's like from the information available, but he very much understands the part about falling in love with someone who runs a kingdom really really well.
"Okay. Is there a convenient avenue to communicate to this organization that we'd like to set up a meeting to negotiate freedom of movement between our respective nations?"
"I think we just show up in Revelation, get accosted by their greeter, and ask if we can talk to T'Mir again."
"...all right. ...you'd think if they have multiple Maitimos they'd be a bit more -"
"You'd think. T'Mir seemed to imply that their Maitimos are all too horrified to interact with this situation, but..."
"You're very welcome. I'm glad I called that one right."
And several teleports later: Revelation! Are they accosted?
"Hi. We're here to talk to someone who can negotiate on behalf of this big multidimensional organization?"
"Hello. My name is Corino, and this is my son Liran-alore Taliar, and that is Findekano although I imagine you'll want him to choose a nickname."
"It seems like there's a lot of exasperation to go around. I'll think about it."
"I was only apprised of this situation an hour ago and I dearly hope I've misunderstood it, but it seems to be - less stable than it could be. What do you want, with respect to my home world, and is there a way to achieve it without provoking and terrifying them?"
"Before I start explaining do you think you might find it easier to be brought up to speed by one of your alts?"
"The concept is another one I was only introduced to an hour ago. Do people usually find that easier?"
"In the meantime," says Liran-alore, "I brought those collected theoretical advances, and can you think of anywhere my city-sized healing aura could be usefully applied? I'm not as godlike as Elaneth-imire, but I'm not nothing."