"There is," he says to the demon, "a way to travel between worlds without being summoned. I will trade you the knowledge of how to make it for three of them and some help identifying a habitable planet in our new dimension."
"Well, if your template can't borrow my social skills, the offer stands for anybody else you trust that you think would benefit. I am very interested in making this whole thing work."
"I suppose the most dramatic demonstration would probably be having a Findekáno Yeerk you."
"They actually cope with the concept of Midnight better than standard Maitimos do, but I do not know whether any would take you up on the offer. I'll put out a notice." She glances at her computer.
"Thanks," he says. "Oh, while I'm here, I also wanted to look into seeing a subtle artist about some problems I'm having, can you tell me where I should go for that?"
"There aren't very many subtle artists evacuated from Materia and a number of those now have particular Midnight-related irritation about being stranded without warning on Vanda Nossëo that might interact poorly with artist-patient rapport. There are some who practice and were not loaned to Shadow and you could inquire after their interest in taking on new patients."
"Thanks, I'll do that. Okay. I feel like the conversation between us about Dawn and Independence is going to be vastly more productive and efficient after you have someone Yeerk me, but if that's hard to arrange on short notice I can talk to you about Nuime in the meantime."
"It could have taken longer but apparently Finleran was at a computer." She sends a couple more missives, then picks up her computer and attaches it to her person. "Shall we?"
So she hops them to Cube (they land in a building with a nice view of Beijing that may be familiar) and asks Finleran where he may be found.
"Hello. Finleran, this is Raika-seren Taliar; Raika-seren, Finleran, the Cube Findekáno. It seems likely wise to conduct this in Aurum on general principle."
And Raika-seren picks up Finleran and holds him next to his ear.
He genuinely doesn't mind a bit. Finleran is welcome to look through his head as much as he likes. He wants Dawn and Independence to have a better relationship with the peal, and this is the best way he can see to make that easier, and it's barely even a cost, he has no problem with being known like this.