"There is," he says to the demon, "a way to travel between worlds without being summoned. I will trade you the knowledge of how to make it for three of them and some help identifying a habitable planet in our new dimension."
"I can think of less defensible circumstances to murder someone under. She's not likely to do it again?"
"Well, this Taliar can't tell her what the first one did—" he sends the memory: Mother, if you kill my boyfriend, I will resurrect him first, and you afterward "—but she regrets acting so hastily and will not do it again without circumstances even more extreme and more urgently so. Separately from that, she doesn't want to meet you just yet, except to offer an apology for killing you if you would like one."
"It's not out of the question that she might like me to bring her for a visit at some point, but... she finds this situation more upsetting than I do, and she prefers not to take risks with her temper."
"I expect that if I asked my son, he'd say he's doing perfectly fine. And Aeleva is content to stay out of it, and she bears you no ill will - but it nevertheless makes her angry to think about her children suffering, and she prefers to avoid situations that she knows will make her angry."
That's either straightforward and about the fact that he's not holding himself back from exaltation anymore, or subtly ironic and about the fact that Maitimo gave him a Nahira flashback and then fucked him - he's pretty sure his father can't guess the exact details but there's no question that he knows something happened with that approximate degree and kind of unpleasantness.
On second thought, he's sure it's both.
"Hello to you too, Da." He gives his father a hug. "What's the news?"
He's in the habit of wearing his eidetic memory necklace around. It's nice.
He has not given sufficient thought to possible failure modes.
He takes an afternoon off and goes on a long walk, because he's starting to feel the first stirrings of future restlessness and it seems like a reasonable experiment as far as changes in his routine go.
He does not give sufficient thought to possible failure modes there either.
He's distracted thinking over a tricky bit of math, and by the time he smells the flowers, it's too late. He's lost in memory. It replays over and over and over again, and he collapses into a bush and does not notice in the slightest.
He does not come back from his walk when he said he would. He does not come back from his walk one, two, three, five, twelve hours after he said he would. He does not come back from his walk at all.
He's taking full advantage of the teleportation to go all over his world, solve problems on the remote continents they are only now settling. He also doesn't listen to Taliar all the time.
When he does check in on him -
- wow.
He teleports him back home, in case that helps.