"There is," he says to the demon, "a way to travel between worlds without being summoned. I will trade you the knowledge of how to make it for three of them and some help identifying a habitable planet in our new dimension."
"Yeerks are pretty harmlessly containable in pools as long as no one removes them and won't be able to perform the ritual to bind their spirit animals without a host - it's possible they'd have trouble even in a host; they might need to personally adopt humanoid forms for it."
"Then Taliar can attempt to extend his resurrection power, and we'll see what comes of it. I think overall it will probably be more convenient for everyone if I am the one who asks Midnight about his crystal-ball-related preferences," he says.
She looks at her computer - "Unless any of you have any questions for me, yes, that's all."
"All right then. Goodbye."
Out he pops, back to Independence. He'd like to speak to the King again but this time it's not particularly urgent.
"The peal wants to know whether you would like a crystal ball installed, and I thought you might prefer to hear the question from me rather than from their representative."
"I'll pass that along. Are you going to want to move again if Elaneth-imire does pick up a power with which to make you untraceable?"
He nods. "I hope his soul manages it. If it doesn't, Esarkan is still looking for other soulbearers who might be able to help, but we haven't found anyone yet."
"It's possible for anyone to become a soulbearer if they visit Nuime. The process takes a few hours on average, although some people find it prohibitively difficult."
He nods. "You're welcome. I'll let you know as soon as we find out whether the untraceability power is coming in."
"He's doing well. He correctly anticipates that he's going to get restless soon if he stays in this pattern of not doing much other than make magical artifacts, but he also correctly anticipates that he'll find a way around that before it gets to be too much of a problem. He is... very thoroughly aimed in the direction of emotional self-sufficiency. I don't think he realizes how thoroughly. But it's a necessary first step in his plan to avoid exalting his soul. The reason why Dawn-shining Taliar is so much more powerful than any other soulbearer is because he gains unprecedented amounts of power from having friends, knowing them well, caring about them, being invested in their happiness and personal growth. Raika-seren is going to isolate himself to avoid that."
"He'll find his balance with it. When Elaneth-imire was recovering from the same state Raika-seren is in now, he needed to befriend hundreds of people specifically selected to maximize compatibility before his soul started looking like its old self again, and it was still very weak compared to its former strength. Raika-seren doesn't need to categorically avoid making any friends."