"There is," he says to the demon, "a way to travel between worlds without being summoned. I will trade you the knowledge of how to make it for three of them and some help identifying a habitable planet in our new dimension."
This is the Tesseract, with which Loki smears the Valar across the cosmos. He sends it.
"I acknowledge that my son might have a little trouble with that one," says Corino. "Esarkan can send soulbearers with protective powers if you'd like some." If all such methods of extremely aggressive murder would require Maitimo to be removed from this universe against his will, protective soulbearers can almost certainly prevent that; it's been tested.
"I trust his judgment. If he thinks they're murderously inclined I'd appreciate protection; if he thinks they're trying to stay on friendly terms then he need not expend lots of resources conspicuously protecting against trouble unlikely to happen."
They're a representative of Tide, a non-enslaving-people polity of Yeerks, and would like to be introduced to the daeva Yeerks' summoner or summoners and be told all the daeva Yeerks' names so that the children can be taken elsewhere. They would also like a list of the dead Yeerks if one is available.
If any of the computer systems are still intact it may be possible to extract a list. The daeva Yeerks are all children too small to have ever taken hosts and learned things that way, and while Yeerks can in fact fend for themselves without parenting it is really not a good idea to have them grow up without any adults in the pool with them, they may already have pulsecoding deficits and nobody knows how having been summoned and gotten a non-pulse language that way will affect it; they appreciate the sentiment of asking the children but there is a serious child welfare concern here.
Tide is kind of stretched thin and does not have trustworthy role models handy to export for this purpose. Aren't Elves supposed to care about kids going with their relatives or something.
The kids are weeks old and have language deficits and just because they don't have parents doesn't mean they don't have aunts/uncles/cousins.
They have living aunts and uncles and cousins. In Tide. Yeerks have very large extended families and scatter around. The Visser who ran off with all of these Yeerks was Sovereign Ristrell's sibling. This very Yeerk talking to them right now is second cousin once removed to the daeva babies.
Good. The representative goes off to talk to the summoner and get the kids explained-to and unsummoned.
By this point Corino has been to Nuime and back and can update Maitimo on the peal's attitude toward Independence.
"Not particularly murderous, it seems," he says, bouncing Dawn-shining Taliar's memories of the conversation.
"You're very welcome," he says. "While I'm here, do you mind if I say hello to my son?"
Where his son is just finishing up another necklace.
"...What are you doing here? Is everything okay?"