"There is," he says to the demon, "a way to travel between worlds without being summoned. I will trade you the knowledge of how to make it for three of them and some help identifying a habitable planet in our new dimension."
"I don't intend to conquer Nuime and I don't mind describing how friendly my power is to anyone who wants to hear it."
She is accompanied by a lie-detecting soulbearer! His soul has a lot of things to say about his personality and attributes. And it glows very brightly indeed.
"Dawn-shining Taliar. Hi. What's this about a truth-telling power?"
"My power is telling the truth! It doesn't let me lie convincingly to anyone who's heard me ever say anything true and I'm not even that good at it to people who haven't. It is not harmless, if I tell the truth too hard it can be damaging, but I don't plan to damage anybody here."
"I'm afraid they didn't take the time to introduce themselves while they were kidnapping and enslaving my friends and family. Why?"
"We have resurrection. They wouldn't be a high priority, but it would be useful to have the record of who they were."
"Oh. That's not a limitation I'm planning to include when I go for general resurrection," he says.
"Also if they're going to be resurrected we'd like them to be in the jurisdiction of Tide, which is the friendly anti-slavery Yeerk polity."
"Tide can take them. Your magic might have an adjacency limit; a lot of them do. So if you resurrect them instead of us you might need to do it here or near here and then they'd have to be transported to Tide."
"That sounds pretty manageable, unless mass interdimensional transportation is a lot of trouble for some reason."
"Crystal balls installed in all intervening worlds. They can process and transmit information. We also have compatibility with several sorts of computer if you have or acquire those."
"Crystal balls. Sure, okay. I don't suppose you'd like to tell us all about the standards in interdimensional everything, for that matter?"