catherine goes from fairyland to milliways and everybody is very concerned at her
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"Sounds good."



" you want me to get them, or - "

She glances at Cecelia and her - owner person.

" - I'll just go get them."




She knocks on the door for the room where all of the Quendi hang out. She kind of hates interrupting people who are doing important things but nobody stopped her and she's already here knocking on the door so now she has to finish this, doesn't she.




"Hi! I'm sorry to interrupt you guys but we have this person downstairs who's been magically enslaved by an alternate universe version of Alex, and she doesn't want to do anything about this until she's been reunited with her kids, so we're thinking maybe teleporting her kids somewhere will help, but we don't know enough about our  teleportation limitations and we were wondering if someone could come downstairs and help explain it better because that seems more productive than the Alexes threatening to kill each other. Maybe."


"Sure. Why're they threatening to kill each other, that doesn't sound like it'd solve that problem at all."


"They just, uh, need to make it very clear to each other that if anybody hurts anybody they like there will be consequences."


"Man, I was kind of hoping we were the evil twins." He heads down the stairs.


She heads back downstairs with him. "Found someone. Um, don't call anybody else by their birth name because that entangles you to fairies forever, I am already entangled with that guy because we messed up, that guy is that person's owner and he's a fairy, that's the slave person and we're calling her Cecilia, if you ask questions of the fairy you end up in his debt and that, like, does magical entanglement things that mean if you do anything that fairyland disapproves of, mostly lying or breaking agreements or attacking people you're indebted to, you hurt everyone else who's entangled with the people you're entangled with, and which sometimes makes you end up enslaved I guess, and for that reason we are mostly asking questions of Cecelia. I - think that's all the common knowledge down here?"


"Also don't read my mind. It causes entanglement and it's just real rude."


"I wasn't."


"Yeah, I could tell."


"Okay. Cecelia, do you want us to try magically teleporting your kids out of their dimension?"


"I - would like them to be with me and not where they are now."


Nod. "Is he their father?"




"Who is?"



"Their father is the Emperor of Scandinavia, who kidnapped me at fourteen and made me his concubine at sixteen. He is an undying abomination that possesses his heirs upon his own death, killing them, so that he can spend more centuries leading wars of conquest, exterminating Christianity, and kidnapping more women to sustain and expand his line."


" - okay."






"I don't think it's - a good place. For them to be."


"Okay. With material from the plane we're targeting, we can send people a place. They can return with passengers. I'm willing to make this happen, assuming the kids wlll not end up in magical slavery."


"If they can't come to fairyland we have to stay here and this place is kind of horrible."

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