A dragon explores space, finds Amenta.
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I don't know how to get lots of bright young Earth-strong kin to follow me here, though... I do know how, but I don't know what steps to take. Being obviously rich and famous and telling them they can get rich and famous too.


"How rich? You're already one of the most famous people on the planet."


-That won't count to them. Obviously rich and famous in ways that Draak understand. I kept to myself, I don't know how to properly brag. Maybe the Seeker will sell me a big pile of gold and such to show off, I know he wants money for things.


"If you want a big pile of gold you can buy that here too, I don't know if it'd be cheaper from him or not."


Well, I judge that the Seeker having more money is probably good for Draak as a whole. I don't like him much, but we find our interests aligned. It's strange. Anyway. Big pile of gold and art objects, some desert, the acknowledgement of the inventor of the star-bridge... Maybe Baravi could give me a grandiose-sounding title? It doesn't need to confer any actual privileges. Maybe a green who wants to see our planet comes along and tells others how famous I am?


"I'm sure you'd have a lot of volunteers. We could elevate you to the peerage, that does confer voting rights but that's all."


That sounds like it could be quite a powerful symbol! Please tell me a bit more about it?


"It's a title conferred by the Baravic government on nonblues, or foreigners, that acknowledges services to Baravi and grants a blue share of the vote. - it doesn't come with residency, we're doing that separately."


It's not something exclusive and unprecedented, but there is a feeling of tradition about it. It will make me seem Greater. It would help attract students. Do I have residency?


"You have renewable impermanent population-compliant residency, which is just a fancy way of staying that you can live in Baravi but we have to keep affirming that to the international population commission every year and you'd need to arrange it separately if you wanted to have kids there."


She visibly restrains herself from saying something.


...Can you accommodate twelve students? In the desert, probably. Any more would strain my ability to teach them.


"Yes, I can get a dozen more the same residency status."


I should go find the Seeker and schedule my round trip home. Perhaps you would enjoy meeting him too? I don't know if his ship can accommodate an Amentan - for my idea to bring a green with me.


"I'd be happy to."


The Seeker has been having a grand time ignoring all the politics and frenetically designing manufacturable Rod of Healing components with that purple consultant's help!

But Bloom is too important to be ignored. 

O creator of flourishing, I hear you have learned a lot. And I suspect you need something now. Who's this?

Ruan. He's helpful.


"It's a pleasure to meet you. I've been Bloom's primary contact with the Baravic government."


If she thinks you are helpful, then I am glad to meet you, too. I will guess that she wants me to convince the essence-weavers to follow her?

No, Bloom replies. They're too much trouble. I want to return home and find promising youths who I can scream caution into. I want you to praise my accomplishments and trade me Shiny Things for money to help me do this. And I want to bring my pets and some seeds here since I'm going to be on Amenta for years.

Easy enough, we can leave tomorrow.

Bloom's crest spikes up. ...Just like that?

Yes. You are doing useful work. I want it to continue. And I need to get some more things from my trove.

And I want to bring a green to Newhome, I think that will help too.

No. The Wing of Change is not designed for Amentan comfort. And they might take pictures back to others who might then figure out how it works. How much money do you have?

...Ruan handles that.

Seeker's tail waves as he radiates amusement.

Have you any questions for me, Ruan? Perhaps the Baravic government wants to discuss spaceships.


"Bloom has about fifty-five thousand riva but I'd need to look up today's exchange rate into tap, it's been unstable. What would be the discomfort aboard the ship?"


No gravity for two days, hard and cold surfaces everywhere, low air pressure, no toilets designed for you. It can't tow Amentan shuttles, either. And I'm not in the only voice that has a say in Ice Scale or Shining Truth's schedules.


"That does sound uncomfortable. Is there much rush to have someone there, Bloom?"


...Not if it's legitimately difficult, I suppose. No visitor is much simpler and easier and there's not an absolutely crucial reason to do it anyway.


"I'll still find some people who'd be willing, just not on such an immediate schedule."


I asked the diplomats to put together an actually organized expedition. It might just be Tapa and Voa and whoever they invite, since they are the ones who have shuttles that can latch on to Shining Truth. Talk to the one called Ice - white body, red wings. Or Tapa and Voa's people, I suppose.


"We've agreed with Tapa that they'll allow us some small-scale use; this definitely qualifies."


I will work out a deal with Bloom for her riva later. Tomorrow two hours after sunrise I'll bring you to Newhome, Bloom, and we can return together a few days after that. If there's nothing else, I am making great progress on the Rods of Healing...

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