A dragon explores space, finds Amenta.
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There's a huge variety of tail motions. Flapping one's wings while on the ground can be excitement or irritation depending on context. Exposed teeth is aggression or defiance or anxiety. The crest feathers stand up when excited, surprised, or angry, and lie flat when relaxed or afraid. Crest feathers lying back with teeth covered and head and body low to the ground is... Something like flirting... If it's accompanied by a weird sort of swaying that he doesn't actually want to demonstrate. Or fear and submission if you hold still instead. And a lot of the purrs, croons, growls, huffs, roars, and clicks he can make have simple meanings most Draak would understand, too.


"Huh, does it look weird when we smile?"


Not any weirder than not having tails makes you!


And here's Timu the props person. "You wanted to talk to me?"


Yes, hello! I want to carry someone into the air, because flight is a great joy and it will be cinematic. I think you might know how to make a harness or something?


"Ooh. So what I'd be doing would be making the harness look nice and compatible with whatever its fictive origin, you'd want a rigger for making it safe for you and the rider."


Yet more specialized crafts I never would have guessed existed! I suppose... Nuan? ...Can help me find a rigger? And if it works we will be seeing you or your - hmm, not kin nor clan - you or other propsmasters, soon enough.


"My co-workers?" says Timu.

"I'll ask about a rigger!" says the intern. "I was expecting you to call me Meksi, I heard Draak think jobnames are neat."


Co-workers. Yes.

-Oh, a jobname! I forgot those existed. That'll be much easier to remember! You weren't thinking of it as that, you weren't thinking about it at all, it flew off your tongue and into the Song without context. What does it mean? 


"It's just a word for the sort of all-purpose job I have, these days. I think it used to mean 'ask me'."


Huh. The reason jobnames are easier to remember is because you choose them, and you have thoughts about them, and because of that when we hear you explain, it sticks in our heads like a scent.


(Timu leaves.) "Huh, that's interesting. Rigger's on his way."


He tail-flicks an affirmative and then arches his head up and stares at the sky instead of the ugly concrete while he waits.


The rigger appears. "Sepkan, how can I help you?"


Sunwind. I want to carry someone into the air, because flight is a great joy and it will be cinematic! I think a climbing harness sort of thing that holds them over my neck might work, but perhaps you will have other ideas.


"Hmm. What specifically do you think would go wrong if someone just tried to sit there astride and hold on?"


My scales are slippery and hard and might be uncomfortable, they could slip. If I go fast enough or try to do anything fancier than level flight and shallow climbs and dives, they would fall off, from wind's whimsy or gravity's inescapable grip.

Being so far forward might make balancing tricky, but my back muscles move a lot in flight so sitting further back might be very unstable or dig limbs into my tender wing-surface or limit my range of motion a lot.


"Okay with you if I climb up - or you can put me up - and see what the range of motion is from up there?"


As long as you don't blame me if you fall.

He lies his long neck and head on the ground, front limbs mostly extended as if in flight.


"Anything I'm looking at fragile?"


Don't poke the wing membrane where it's thin please. 


"Alrighty." He clambers up. "Can you slow-motion through how you'd flap?"


...It'll be a little different since my weight is resting on my claws.

But he does. There's a bit of flex and bulge in the thick mass of back muscle as the wings slowly go up, and not much at all when they go down and lift him off the ground. Most of the muscle mass  in his center body seems devoted to the 'down' part of the motion.


"All right, you're right that it'd be hard as anything to cling to your neck bareback, to the point where I don't know that I can even make it look like that for movie purposes unless whoever it is is purported to have mutant sticky fingers or something. As long as you need apparatus anyway, it might be that it'd make more sense to have someone slung under your belly, given that any thought?"


...That seems uncomfortable for them, though it would make the balance better. It might make a cool scene where I am supposedly hurt so I crash on my back to avoid crushing someone!

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