A dragon explores space, finds Amenta.
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"That's so cool! They can have stuff behind you the camera can't see, if they want you to be a color besides for camo."


I can see how it would be good for movies! Or I can grab a color and then walk onscreen. I'm not sure I can do tricky acrobatics while holding colors. Practice might help with that, at least.


"Oh, it's hard to do both at once?"


It's magic, it's Singing into the fabric of reality to convince it that red is grey. Think of keeping a color as like humming a tune. You can do it... But it gets harder to do other stuff at the same time and not screw up.


"All right. I'll let them know." She composes an email.


Color bleeds back into his scales and leathery wings. When she's ready to record again he goes through a series of acrobatics, leaps and jumps and lunges and twists and dances and low slinking motions along the ground. He also demonstrates the fire breath for a while.

I can also climb pretty easily, push off from walls and squeeze through gaps, that kind of thing. Maybe I shouldn't use the wall of your building to demonstrate since I have to pay if I break things. And there's flying tricks but I'm not sure how you want to record those.


She films him doing this. "The wall's sturdy but I don't know how much harder you push than an Amentan and it's probably a lot. I can ask for roof access if that would be a better vantage point?
Or is there too much stuff around to fly?"


I'll just have to be fairly high up. I can try to pass back and forth in the same place.


She gets roof access permission and says she'll meet him there.


He takes off with a running leap and flies in lazy circles until he sees her come onto the roof. Then he does a shallow dip above the loading area to show where he's going to pass.

His aerial repertoire includes many kinds of dives and spins and twists that a stunt pilot would have names for, plus controlled falls, using his tail as a whip, and a pretty convincing feigned injury where he lets one wing hang limp but still 'struggles to fly', gliding and wobbling through the air.


The intern records it all as best she can.


He lands again, breathing hard. Back in the yard rather than risk putting a hole in a roof.


Down she comes. "Are you tired?"


A bit. Trick flying is one of the most strenuous things a Draak can do. Hungry, too!


"I can get you some food! I was told 'mostly meat, any kind, no dairy no eggs'?"




"All right, I'll go get you a bunch of beef stirfry, I saw it at the catering table." She goes in and comes in with a trayful of beef, with onions and peppers.


He scarfs it all down near-instantly!

That was a tasty snack, but it might not be the best way to feed me the whole time I'm here. I eat a lot if I'm moving around and flying, and it doesn't need to be cooked.


"Yeah, I can also order groceries and I put in a couple hams for you, but it'll take a little longer, we get our grocery delivery at four."


'A couple hams' might not be enough. We will see. If we are to wait a day or two for the screenwriters, are grips or propmasters available? I was told they might know how to rig a flight harness so I can carry someone safely!


"A ham is like this big," she gestures, "but I can order more tomorrow if that and what's left of the stirfry and all the other meat dishes at the end of the day aren't enough. I can see about a propsmaster or a grip no problem." Taptap on her everything.


As I said, we will see.


"Timu's free, she does props, she's on her way."


He does a tail-flick. I'm going to have trouble remembering all these names... Ah, should I tell you all about Draak body language? I heard someone thinking about verisimilitude in the desert set yesterday.


"Sure, it'd be good to know how to interpret."

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