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"I am Satele Shan, Grandmaster of the Jedi Order. You must be Epic. You've been quite busy in recent times."


"Yeah. I want all wars to end and everyone to live forever and get to learn things."


"A noble aspiration. I hope your goals can be realized. In simpler times, I would offer the aid of the Jedi, but I do not believe we can withdraw from the conflict while the Sith remain aggressive. I hope you understand."


"I can protect you and whoever you think you're protecting. I can make sure they can't even get near you. I'm doing it for the new confederation."


"The Jedi are responsible for all the beings of the galaxy."


"Okay, so now you can be responsible for all of them without fighting a war. What does being responsible for them even mean if it doesn't mean you'll do what's best for them?"


"It means that we will not stand by and let them be slaughtered when we could have done something to prevent it. I would like nothing more than for all the Jedi to hang up their armor today and remain home where they will be safe, but as matters currently stand, we would be condemning many thousands to death at the hands of the Sith if we did. You have great power, this is true, but you are still just one person. You cannot be everywhere at once."


"Do you know the cargo limit on my teleport?"


"I do not."


"Neither do I, because there's never been cause to try putting a whole galaxy somewhere else. Planets go fine. I can put all of the Sith somewhere a hundred million lightyears away. Some of the people advising me think I should."


Satele raises her eyebrows slightly in surprise.

"That would certainly be a solution. One much preferable to the options we currently face."


"Yeah. My - advisors - kind of think they'll all kill each other or themselves, and I'd like them to not do that, but I want the war stopped and if that'll stop the war -"


"Without an external enemy, the Sith are likely to self-destruct, I agree. But I do not see any better solutions that scale as well."


"If I do that, then your people won't start any more wars?"


"We will not. A Jedi uses the Force for defense only, never to attack."


"Sounds great."


And what happens if he pops over to Cipher's?


She's doing something inscrutable involving large blocks of code.


He'll wait.


It's not long before she notices him.

"Hey. How'd it go?"


"Jedi say they'll stop fighting if I get rid of the Sith."


"Sounds like something they would say."


"Do you not believe them?"


"They'll stop fighting the Sith if they all disappeared. Whether they'd extend that to the rest of the Empire, I wouldn't bet on. And they'd find or create another enemy for themselves sooner or later."


"Do you mind if I go ask them about that?"

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