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The books offer several strategies.


So he reads, and practices, and starts up the perception songs so he can practice faster, and eventually makes himself lunch and asks Darth Occlus if she wants some.


If he's offering, yes.


It's not like it's hard to make things.


Then lunch may be had.


He makes a very generous spread. He reads while he eats.


Occlus finalizes arrangements for her most trusted subordinates to disappear, until she calls for them again.

She also eats a considerable amount of the food on offer.


He is not going to let anyone mess with his head. He keeps reading.


Then eventually he will have a complete picture of the methods Imperial Intelligence operatives used to use to fight that sort of thing off.

All he's missing is the three months of practice.


One month of practice with the perception songs to make him think three and a half times as fast. And he doesn't need to sleep. 




How time does fly when one is busy. Yes, to dinner.


An even bigger spread. He eats while working, again.


Shortly after dinner, Occlus's datapad chimes, and a holo of a bald, scarred man wearing a respirator across the lower half of his face appears.

"Fellow Sith. Citizens of the Empire. Too long the strength of the Empire has been beholden to the in-fighting of the Dark Council and the disappearance of an apathetic Emperor. Sith, children of Sith, and warriors everywhere, I declare a new Empire, open to all who long for conquest, freedom from inhibition, and the right to follow their passions. The Dark Council is dissolved. Those who would join Darth Serevin in supporting me, cast aside your titles and let me lead you to victory. Those who will not, prepare to face our stealth armada. The Emperor is gone. His station and power are mine. We will conquer the galaxy while he sleeps."


He stops practicing. "Okay. What now?"


"Make a duplicate of me here. I start the self-destruct, we leave."


He makes a basement-dweller of her.


Occlus enters a command on her datapad.

"Time to go."


Pop! Now they're on his planetoid. It's stunningly pretty.


Occlus spares a single moderately impressed glance around as she looks for the new location of her archives.


"That way."


"Thank you."

She heads over to make sure everything is intact and in place.


Excellent. A place for everything and everything in its place.

Though now that she thinks of it, this layout is hardly what she would design with complete freedom. It was optimized to fit within her space in the Citadel, which is not a constraint she need consider any longer... She goes back to Epic to solicit drafting materials.


He's practicing again but he can provide.


Then she can obtain what she needs, and begin sketching. If she's to make a break with the rest of the Sith, let it be a clean one. This structure will draw more inspiration from the Rakatan ruins she's excavated, a flowing combination of angled faces merging with a curve around the corner, wide hallways lined with bas-relief carvings depicting the lives of those she has cataloged.

In the air beneath her pen, the concept grows into life.

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