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"Nope - I can ask Darth Occlus now -" he sets the pad down - "do you want to check if the Force gets through my indestructibility?"


"We can. Would you like to begin with mental or physical effects?"


"I'm pretty sure the physical effects won't work but I guess we can start there?"


"Very well. Telekinesis first." Occlus raises a hand and pinches, concentrating on his throat.


It feels - uncomfortably pinchy? He doesn't need to breathe, but he's pretty sure he could if he needed to. He twitches slightly but is pretty sure he could also avoid doing that if he wanted.


"More subtle is the whole-body stasis," she says, releasing her grip on his throat and instead exerting even pressure across his body to stay in place.


Yep, that works, unless he teleports out of it.


"Telekinetically thrown objects behave identically to ones thrown mundanely, so I think we can forgo that test. There is also lightning." Her fist crackles, and she sends a jolt at Epic.


Mildly unpleasant, burn heals more-or-less instantly. "Okay, so - works on the same level that stabbing me works, you can make it unpleasant but can't hurt me."


"There are also more esoteric arts that deal directly with affecting and manipulating life. This lifebinding can be extremely dangerous, and you are unlikely to run across a practitioner. But if you have a true vulnerability, it will be with this."


"Do you know enough we could check?"




"Then we should, unless I might die of you checking or something."


"The risk should be minimal if I I am very careful."




Occlus assumes a meditative posture and closes her eyes. She wraps the Force around herself, centering the swirling current, bending it to her will. Reaches out. Feels for the bright shining spark that is the boy's presence and squeezes but- gently-


"Yeah, that hurts. I - I'm guessing it'd still follow the same rule, you can only hurt so much, but I'm not sure -"


If she rips it in half that kills him outright can't test that- If she bends it he will decay- workable.

Grip and twist. It resists. She increases the power she is applying. His spark begins to shape itself to her will.


That hurts more than he thinks indestructibility has let him hurt before - his fingers go greyish, pale, wrinkly -


He is more resistant than anyone she has tested this on or read of. Anyone else would be a desiccated husk permanently at this point but if she lets up it tries to snap back into place. Enough, then. She's not trying to actually kill him. She releases her hold and breaks the trance.


He doesn't use the healing spell because how-long-it-takes-to-heal is important to know. 


It starts, but it's slow - "Okay, so we can't count on me being immune to that - would I definitely have time to teleport out, or possibly not-"


"Once you have been targeted by the lifebinder and they know the shape of your essence, they can affect you from across the galaxy. Workings at range are slower, and I may be able to counteract what they do. I think any more direct effects than what I did would be proportionately more difficult, and I needed to apply a considerable fraction of my power, almost as much as anyone else would have unaided."


"Across the galaxy? What about farther than that?"


"No one has ever left the galaxy and returned to tell of it."


"We should test that, then, because I can teleport farther than that, easy."

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