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"Will people be talkable out of fighting by appealing to their philosophies? Or are they not that kind of philosophy, just the kind you talk about when talking about how the other people are bad."


"You will not be able to talk a Sith out of a fight. A Jedi should theoretically be more tractable, but in my experience, they are just as undeterrable when they think themselves justified."


"Can I talk a Sith out of a fight by being like 'look, I am way more powerful than you, I will get exactly what I want, given that is there any way for you to get anything you want.' Loki did that with orcs."


"The more intelligent ones, perhaps. You will almost certainly need to provide a demonstration."


"I can make stuff inside people. Like drugs that make them fall asleep."


"That would probably work at least once, but there are techniques that can diminish or inhibit the effect of such substances."


"I mean, if people make themselves sufficiently hard to knock out then I just have to teleport them, and if they make themselves hard to knock out or teleport then I have to kill them. That would not be smart of them."


"People often value their pride more highly than is entirely rational. And you, appearing as you are but also claiming such power, are a great challenge."


"...yeah. I wanted to wish myself grownup but Boots was worried that then I'd just look grownup and still be a little kid in my head, there's no way to rush maturing -"


"I do not believe you would approve of the method I used to create my initial reputation when I was slightly older than you, so I will not offer it as an example."


"...there's an alt of Boots who fed a planet into a black hole, there's an alt of me who handled dissent in his army by blowing up all the ships, I'm good but I'm not naive - well, I'm not that naive -"


"The overseers did not think me worthy of the Korriban Academy because of my background. When combat training began, they attempted to use the opportunity to remove me. For a week straight I killed or crippled every acolyte the overseers set against me, in as gruesome a fashion as I could manage armed with a wooden saber. Afterwards they were much restrained in their disdain."


"I would really prefer not to do that, yeah. I could make it look like I did that by teleporting people and making dead bodies, if I timed it carefully..."


"Killing is a more straightforward and easier to comprehend demonstration. If you can convincingly fake the appearance, you will gain more respect more swiftly."


"I can practice the timing. Should be possible in principle, unless you'd be able to notice with the Force -"


"A dead body has no Force signature. It may work."


...he makes a statue of a person. He tries teleporting the person out of the way and making a dead body in the same place. 


"...can you tell?"


"There was a brief discontinuity."


...teleports the dead body out of the way, tries again.


"Better. Not quite perfect."


Well, he will keep trying.


As long as he is cleaning up the debris responsibly, Occlus is willing to continue spotting him.


He's not being responsible at all he's just teleporting it into the nearest Sun Boots'd be mad at him but she's not here.


That's good enough for Occlus.

And soon enough- "That time worked."


"Okay. I should make sure I'm that good when I need to be precise with where I'm landing what I'm teleporting out -" He tries sending the statues to the first planetoid he made in the other galaxy -

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